
This bracket and the entire legacy of this tournament lost all credibility last year when Sweet Orefice lost to Pope McCorkle. Sweet Orefice is the greatest name that ever graced this godforsaken, soon-to-be-forgotten earth.

Either NPR should stop having this lunatic on for interviews or they should start pushing back much harder than they have. The interview this morning was little more than a platform for him to bloviate on about about absolutely nothing.

Mark Davis looks like a burn victim.

My aunt and uncle are very wealthy and live in Northwestern Indiana near the border with Illinois. They refer to each other as “Mom” and “Dad.” As in if my uncle would like my aunt, his wife, to grab something from the kitchen while he is in the living room he will say, “Mom, can you grab the tongs.”

I was looking at it this way. This is an entirely new approach to the changing of a presidency. It has not been done this way before, ever. And it is being done now, for no clear reason.

I wanted to respond to this short-sighted comment but it looks like the rest of the commentariat is doing a fine job of rebuke.

I get that feeling.

Sam Bee is the queen Bee and has singled-handedly made my wife political.

Also, it’s on TBS for anyone who hasn’t watched it but wants to.

I wish I was doing too much daydrinking.