Elway the Dog

You get a star just for going commando. I haven’t worn (and therefore spent any money on useless underwear) for 50 years. If the fly is for easy access, easier still is nothing at all.

Fucking Bravo!

Love me some Ari Melber too. Watch him, skip Tweety, then to the Trio of Great Newsers. They can all cover the same stories, but each with their own specific take and all of them make sense.

No you are not.

No list of the best is complete without Pat Bowlen, homerism be damned. The man was one of the best for his team and community. That JJ got into the HOF ahead of him (the year we won SB50) is a travesty!

Well done. You found 4 shows and none on the network being talked about. Bye.

Holy Shit! That “thihg” is atrocious. Even the artist’s concepts suck. Someone should have seen those and said, “No. Not even in New Jersey.”


It apparently has escaped your grasp that the Republicans have blocked every jobs program that President Obama proposed, every effort to close that gap through tax code changes, and now want to undo even the meager changes he was able to get done. Let us also not forget that the Senate is operating in violation of the

Let us not forget that the ACA was originally the Republican party’s, created by the Heritage Foundation and encacted by the Republican Governor of Massachusettes Mitt Romney, right up until the moment President Obama liked it. Then it became the worst thing ever. It is still the most bi-partisan law to come out of

Brav-fucking-o, Sir. The nutshell is full. Well-said.

Yep, not since I was 14. Damn waste of money. I took the “always wear clean underwear ‘cuz you never know when you might be in the ER” an extra step to easy. They just gonna cut them off, anyway. Also, easy access to all that’s important. I don’t understand wearing clothes under clothes, or to bed, for that matter.

Speed, agility, and size. A winning combination! GO BRONCOS!

Cool, thanks! I’m using my computer as well, so I’m very grateful for the assistance.

See, can’t even type misspelled words correctly. Sheesh, getting old sux, but it’s better than the alternative!

I’m a sttopid old person and can’t figure out how you got your line-up pic posted. HTF you do that?

If you take a look at the Broncos/Bears game, you will see that Chicago was not flagged once in the game. Not even the blatant hands-to-the face on Von Miller or the late hit after Brock Osweiler self-sacked. 8 penalites for 118 yards against the Broncos, O for 0 against the Bears. But yeah, the officiating is just

The subtlety of your post is amazing. Laughed out loud (not a teenagaer, don’t use acronyms).

Pat Bowlen and the Denver Broncos.

You’ re new here, arent’ you?