
Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like the movement has become way too hostile lately.

Dude literally just said “leave kids alone” as in don’t teach sexuality to children who aren’t mature enough and more importantly not yours to teach about this stuff. Y’all look wack on this issue ngl. 

Lol. The game was supposed to launch in 2020. They did a gameplay reveal in July 2020, saying the game was going to launch in 4 months. It was delayed and released 16 months later, and STILL wasn’t ready. What in god’s name where they planning on dropping in 2020?

Cause Destiny 2 is such a shining example of a good game? I loaded it up recently, and there’s not even a proper opening. You just get dumped into the last game’s tutorial area with even less direction or introduction to the world/story, with all your powers just unlocked at the beginning. Surprised they didn’t just

That’s a shame, they’re not very good at it.

For some reason, I could never totally buy the, “blame the higher-ups” argument this time around. Whenever a game from any larger developer has trouble, disgruntled employees love to trot this out there and since the people actually giving those interviews, anonymously or otherwise, tend to skew heavily one way in

I don’t care for the unilateral price increase to $70 that the industry seems to be foisting upon us* but if it’s to happen, at least give it to the workers.

*While in some cases also charging for battle passes and cosmetics and boosters that cut down on the grind (level skips) and making hand over fist while doing it

That’s a very judgmental thing to say. You’re assuming terrible things about every single man who has ever fallen in love with a younger woman, without addressing the context of these relationships. Men who only date younger are indeed pathetic. But people like Bogart and Chris Evans happening to fall in love with a

How is it insecure or pathetic to date someone you’re honestly attracted to?

None of that addresses the fact that these men are insecure, pathetic, and sad because they won’t date women their own age who don’t put up with shit.

How can you even SEE us, from astride a horse that high?