

We all gonna act like regardless of what your specs are the game is gonna run like ass for at least 2 years after launch?

Id like the option to play as either Male OR female. Its a small request. But if we really are supposedly all about inclusivity it works both ways, right?

That’s not what a simp is though? You’re so triggered you’re throwing around insults that you don’t even understand lmao...

Calm down. Count to 5 and then remove the tampon from your ass.

You understand the difference between you and me, right? I’m just saying a man is entitled to express himself...youre attacking me and calling me a simp (lol?) for saying that. That’s the difference.


Oh dont mistake my silence for not being able to defend him. I totally can 100% defend him. I just dont see the point. I mean look at the responses i got. Not exactly well formulated and civil discourse is it?

You do realize that’s the narrative the outrage mob are pushing but not what he was actually saying, right? He was referring to trans and gay people pushing their ideals and morals on children before the children themselves had a chance to develop critical thinking. No mention of pedophilia was made...that’s all you

Sort of like the point Nick was making about Trans and gay people pushing their warped ideals and morals on children?

I dont care bro.

I like how you invented a quote he never said and are now passing it off as a direct quote of his. Big brain move.

You’re literally the only person in this thread even mentioning that. Its like youre already offended by something that MIGHT happen.

What consequences? He no longer has a skin in a video game.

It is...

So..hes not allowed to have an opinion?

2023 and arguing over the color of the little fucking mermaid. If you ever wanted a reason to check out of this planet and all its bullshit and just go live your fucking life in ignorant bliss- this is pretty much as good a reason as you’re gonna get.

I fucking hate Kotaku.

lol. i hope you find happiness somewhere in your life man.

So my take is they were pre emptively stopping people asking questions that would be bad for business. I.E anything relating to the sexual accusations and the like and also the merger deal falling through yada yada. They were so terrified of it they just said fuck it, we will ask the questions ourselves. That’s my