
Oh shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup.

Tell me you’re a Sony fanboy without telling me you’re a Sony fanboy..

The show is following the structure of the game pretty it is literally based on the game itself. To say you dont care about the structure of the game is saying you dont care about the structure of the show..

First time on Kotaku?

Jesus Christ.

The only areas i care about them differing from the game is all of the awful decisions they made relating to the second game. They literally cant do any worse than that.

Asking your employees to come to work is something thats been the norm since...oh..forever? I think suggesting they dont care is a bit much considering that it was the done thing up until 3 years ago...and now the reason for doing that has largely passed.

Some companies and businesses are better suited to working from home than others. Game development, honestly, seems like one of the roles that would benefit a lot less from it, being honest.

Middle management don’t make those decisions....They have no say in the WFH policy...

Public service reminder that Twitter is not a real place and nothing said there actually matters.

Ah Nintendo.

You strike me as the sort of person who makes the day feel unnecessary longer.

You’re not “fighting” anything.

Are we REALLY trying to Boycott a game because somoene said a woman is a woman and a man is a man?

I want to know the REAL reason various bodies (sony fanboys excluded) are opposed to this. Because none of this shit makes any sense. In my mind the ONLY reason these various bodies are opposed to this is if it affects THEIR bottom line. Because that’s what it ALWAYS boils down to. ALWAYS. So can we get a report on

Hard to be excited for anything regarding Infinite, but that said its good news we no longer need to rely on 343 for content for it. Because thats a road that leads nowhere.

Nice one Xbox.

When, not if but when the deal goes through MS will gain roughly 10,000 employees in Activation. So them laying off roughly 10,000 employees was not a coincidence OR for the reasons you mentioned. It was simply trimming the fat and doing business.

Maybe im ignorant but i just dont see the problem with Microsoft buying Activision. Then again im looking at it from an unbiased and non sony OR xbox owners perspective.

Fun fact getting “ratioed” literally means nothing and has no impact on anything.