
Nice try but Nah. You just look like a tool trying to be offended in advance of something that never actually happened. Like a said - a moron.

I loved this game while playing it but honestly...i never thought about it once after i finished it. Strange as i usually do often think about games long after i complete them . Sometimes even enough to go back for another playthrough or two. Not this one though and im not sure why.

The irony being that NO ONE has made that post on this article . In fact YOURE the only person here bringing that up. You know what that makes you?

What really made my day is i literally just came from reading the Forspoken Review where one of the reasons for liking is the female lead and how awesome she is. Then i went from that to this and I dunno..i could not help but laugh at how blatant Kotukus agenda has become.

“Lackluster revisions, men should be seen and not heard”

There’s a term for people who are always both the victim AND the hero of their own story.

Wonderful story that centers women, exhilarating movement mechanics, excellent protagonist”

Its their upper management. They are the textbook definition of people who are there because of who they know, not what they know. Take Rare for example, like you said - one of the best of their time..forced to work on chasing a trend that was already on the way out, with Kinect.  Then theres Halo. Dont even get me

I used to care. Being an Xbox owner i had this idea in my head that this was good for me as “one of them”. But the older i get the more i realize - none of this is in my best interest and likely wont benefit me in any way at all. So why hope it goes through? So some Fat Cat can line his pockets with MORE silver?

I actually hope this goes through because honestly...there’s only so much looking at retards acting like retards that can be healthy.

Am i the only one who got bored of Seth Rogans “im stoned hah hah” schtick about oh...15 years ago?

Theres been so little in the way of good games since Elden Ring. We are pretty much starved of honest to god, no bullshit, games. Downloading it right now!

Game is faker than Kim Kardashians ass implants.

Here we are again. Hyping up something that will be completely irrelevant and overlooked once you’re playing the game.

And thats true for people in general.

Jesus...must be a slow news day at Kotaku..

The protagonist being a black female has nothing to do with why the game is shite.

Have you actually played the game ? Or at least watched a lets play for at least an hour or so?

Bad example though... that movie was fantastic.

Its not Just Blizzard. Its every big tech corporation out there. I promise you that. I worked for Google, Sky and Dropbox. And they ALL had shit like this.