
As bizarre as this might sound - I saw Bowie do something like this once.

Bowie and NIN at the Meadowlands, and a bunch of the NIN fans were NOT into Bowie. Well, he comes slowly striding out in the middle of a NIN song, and someone from the audience whips a plastic cup of beer - right at his head. Without even looking

Based on the checkerboard appearance of the grass... I’m wondering whether this is an astroturf-style playing surface... and if so, how much harder is it than just plain dirt and grass?
‘Cause that hit looks way more brutal than just hitting your lawn.

Yep... as a webmaster, it threw my whole afternoon - and it’s still going on as of 4:30pm eastern. The ripples take a while to settle. Sigh.

I grew up with a trans stepmom from age 14 ‘til when I left home 4 years later. And spent a bunch of time around the trans community... I mean the hardcore late-night NYC trans community. This was in the late 70's/early 80's.

The trailer is really admirable work. But visually, there’s some grit missing. Needs like 47 layers of Ridley smoke or something. :)

For audio - check out Presonus Studio One Prime. It costs nothing, is a VERY full featured multitrack audio suite with unlimited tracks, basic plugins and more. Win/Mac:

I still swear by FF. I’m a developer, and constantly have 15-20 tabs open... stable as hell, and rarely if ever crashes.
Plus - FF Sync kicks ASS. Everything travels with me whether it’s my desktop, laptop or tablet.

Thank you! That was great.


The predecessor... I had not one but two of these, and they were awesome. GIANT sunroof in back, moonroof up front, twin AC units, an incredible view, and a fridge/icemaker in the dash. Looked at the Previa after, but it kinda paled in comparison.

Yeah.... we’re there, for real.



Honey and peanut butter sammies rock - only to be outdone by bananas and peanut butter. :P
Happy holidays, HamNo.

I need to be a bit vague here, ‘cause I’m somewhat close to the situation... but I can say that the individual in your rear view is creepier than he appears.

Gotta say... I totally understand - but CAH fucking SAVED Thanksgiving for me and my baby this year. In a room of largely “I don’t really like him, but I HATE her” family members of my “significant other” (shut up), what totally saved it from turning into an orange hatefest was my baby’s late 80's grandma (bless her,

Me too!!!

It has been admitted to by a fake news site proprietor - he made up the story, and ran the fake CL ad.

The Guardian posted a video interview on Facebook with the man holding the sign in the first place: