
I STILL say Clive Owen would make an awesome Bond.

God bless this judge.
(You can actually hear her whisper to herself “gonna lose my mind” at the 8:53 mark.)

Thank you. I am EXACTLY in that position. Thank you.


Table table? :)

Table table? :)


OMFG.... thank you SO much. I spent no less than two hours combing Kinja for these to cheer my sister up, not three days ago, and missed a bunch.

But you did too...I think, at the least, you missed these:

I have tickets to see them on Tuesday.

Now I can’t bring myself to go. Dammit.

Having dealt with ill-fitting and/or uncomfortable bras forEVER, My honey went on an all-out search for bras that fit properly. SHe found this site to be incredibly helpful... just as no two chests are alike, no two bras are either... it really helped her narrow it down:

Yeah... I call bullshit. Sorry. Not on you - on them. Stealing is stealing. I can’t afford it? I don’t get it. Simple.
“But wahhhh... games are too expensive!” Yeah - so’s a brand new car.
So I don’t get one.

I had two of these, and they’re awesome.

Neither of mine had turbos - as those (esp. the early ones) were known to be a bit iffy. But this is a pretty decent price.

Hawken. Found it here on Kotaku just in the past two weeks, and now I’m hooked.

You don’t need any advice. You are an awesome Mom... follow your instincts.... you’ve been dead on so far. :)

As it should have been. An opening in missing man formation, followed by a faithful homage to a song.
In the midst of all the talk about fashion, sexuality, societal ch-ch-changes,’s easy to look past the part about Bowie being a damned good songwriter. The fact that they could play that opening, sans vocals,

Biden... Not exactly.

Totally playable on 7. :)

Yep - and this was just called “van”. (I had two of ‘em, and loved ‘em.)

Me too. I’ve owner a boatload of second-hand cars.... this one is my favorite by FAR.

I loved how TAL dealt with the Mike Daisey story after the fact. Showed how standup they were - and willing to admit their flaws.
That’s kinda what I love about TAL in the first place... to me, it’s audio collages of humanity - which has flaws by it’s very nature. :)

Looks like it’s very much alive.