Must be honest - from the perspective of those of us outside of the US we really do not understand what seems anyway to be widespread disillusionment with the man. Seems like a massive upgrade on the last one.
Must be honest - from the perspective of those of us outside of the US we really do not understand what seems anyway to be widespread disillusionment with the man. Seems like a massive upgrade on the last one.
This is why watching the Republican debates makes me sick to my stomach. When they trot out their hatred of Obama with all their variants on “this man continues to ruin our country.” I just want to vomit. Have we ever had a President that displayed so much...humanity? He has more humanity in his pinkie nail than they…
I don’t care for Bill Clinton, but DADT was about as much as he could do back then. Had he ended the ban AND said everyone should come out in the military, it would have been a very bad outcome given the mindset then. Things have changed, but gradually.
I really hope Obama is appointed as a Supreme Court Justice. That would be amazing!!!
Ellen is interwoven for me with my own coming out. My parents were both fans of her sitcom, and had been watching up to that point, and I knew it. I, fourteen, read in the newspaper about how she was a lesbian, and was coming out on her show, and how big a deal this was.
Damn I’m gonna miss him.
As a penis- haver, I’m going out on a limb (or a baby’s arm clutching an apple, as it were) and say that is not a real dick.
I wonder if there are jerk settings.
What about the rif on #OscarsSoWhite? They did a pretty good job on that one too.
According to the linked article, there were only about six kids in the group. I cannot even FATHOM how she “suggested one was not” a virgin. Did she, like, point to one of them and go “this slut right here is CLEARLY catching dick left and right, but what about the rest of you?”
“So, are you girls virgins? I can tell Julie is not because look at her exposed ankles. That’s the mark of a hussy. Put some clothes on Julie.”
whoa there. I didn’t realize I was on Jezebel when I posted.
Knock knock!
So brave. So moving.
Not surprised at all that CNN didn’t take her off the desk for the rest of the day just because her brain stopped working for a bit. Otherwise they’d have to fire Don Lemon.
Well, can he?
So the 21-year old with a 5-year old was being irresponsible? Get out of town.
Bad news for . . . the people who love them