I drive a Prius. Does this negate every single “shoulda bought a diesel bro” comment on Jalopnik I’ve been forced to read over the past 10 years?
I drive a Prius. Does this negate every single “shoulda bought a diesel bro” comment on Jalopnik I’ve been forced to read over the past 10 years?
Kim Davis has appeared onstage and is sobbing into the microphone like a third-place Miss America runner-up.
I’ll write. You edit. Deal?
I could get on board with this.
wait, THAT’S HOW IT WORKS? Excellent.
but then he’s actually alive inside the casket, and jumps out and gives them a “Gotcha!” finger-point, right? RIGHT?????
This is a former governor and Fox television host. He’s not making some crazy rant on the internet. He is the Republican party. He is not a moron. He is a cruel, calculating man in a position of power.
He probably also wouldn’t support financial support for her when she needs it to sustain a child and the psychological counseling of it.
Meanwhile, at FoxNews dot com..
Are you kidding it? I’m LOVING it. Fox News comments right now are more fun pages full of captioned cats. Look at some of these gems!
Pre School.
Every single story about these guys. Every single story.
My wife must have gotten one waaaaaaaaaaay before they came out.
I totally understand cheating. We all like fucking hot people sure. What I will never understand is Bigamy. One pain in the ass is bad enough. Why on earth would someone want multiple pains in the ass? That is straight up masochism.
Pft! That was owned by a gentleman.
Who leans against a wall while in the shower? 1) Cold, 2) that's how shower spiders get you.
This picture basically sums up American media. Show all the gore you want. Gouge out eyeballs. Have open wounds gaping on screen. But for the love of God, don't let anyone see that he has a penis.
Kiii... Kinda? Is "kinda" an acceptable answer?
Ask her if she loves you. If she says yes, ask her again. If she says yes again, leave. She doesn't love you and will break your heart.