Dear Malaysia, keep your feet on the ground.
Dear Malaysia, keep your feet on the ground.
You're right. Do you have kids? Also, he's not a baby. He's four.
Easy there, Jimmy. May wanna bring yourself down a few levels.
Spoiler: At the end, Kanye walks out and tells his mom that she should give up her spot for Beyonce.
People still believe in Heaven? Wow.
I'll go ahead and be the one to ask the awkward question on everyone's mind here: if you lose, does Kanye's mother go to hell?
We had an horrid relationship, the last 2 years where whiteout sex We had already broken up, I came to my apartment to find him inside it, lucky me the guy I was having sex with was waiting for me at a part several blocks away, Called my best friend because I wasn't going to be alone with my psycho ex...
I was…
where to you draw the line between accommodating someone's faith and interfering with a flight crew
Don't all husbands monitor their wives' social media pages? (I kid. Maybe.)
I applaud this decision. In fact there should be separate flights for men and woman. As a gay man, I look forward to a lady-free sausage flight.
Dang, let me take you to the hospital so they can treat that burn.
I would be very interested to see what a crowd-sourced bible would look like.
Any man 15-35 should take this seriously.
#1 Literally pitches a tent. Result!
try dubai or anyplace around there. I was surprised to see that the urinals were flushing hot water in the dubai airport. then I realized it was 928392892 degrees outside.
It's times like this that it really sucks to be female. Must experiment tonight with my shewee.