Mark Lipsinic

In my "previous life" as an engineer at Sikorsky, I did a lot of work on this rotor system. The forgings for the rotor hub and sleeves were unfathomably huge and heavy for rotorcraft parts. We had pictures of the first 6-4 titanium hub forging still glowing red hot on the floor and it looked like something fired in

I once saw four of these in one campsite. Within a few minutes three were in flames and the fourth exploded the next day. My group lost one of the three we brought, but we were never again worried about having a place to pitch our tent.

Now playing

Oh look! A link to the original, longer video on YouTube that ISN'T YET ANOTHER LIVELEAK SHITPOST!

The situation deepens! The murder was fratricide!

I would totally go to that owner's meet. Much better than the demographics of car meets for some other cars.


Shut your whore mouth!

SU-24 Fencers are most definitely NOT capable of traveling "at over three times the speed of sound". The top speed of a Fencer at low altitude is only Mach 1.08.

"BioWare released a game, took fan feedback, then wrote themselves a whole new ending."

Awesome, though I wish they'd chosen a less dowdy car more deserving of the exotic setting...

They can only drive straight so there is no net loss.

This is not a particularly satisfying example of justice; it just looks like someone made a mistake. This is nothing like the crap I see on a near daily basis where people blatantly blow through red lights, ignore right-of-way rules and disregard turn-only lanes.

Might I suggest Kenshiro's Hokuto Hyakuretsu Ken? That predates all of these characters and in term inspired a large number of them to be what they are today.

The ship in this video is the USS Kitty Hawk. Video was recorded in 2007-2008. She was my home for 4 years from 2003-2007. This was taken on the deployment after I left. I have enjoyed a few deployments with swells just as bad and worse. We had one deployment where one of the catwalks on the bow had to be replaced.

Self-defense is not murder. Give me your address so i can send you ten cents to go buy a clue.

Yup. Even if the train wasn't lit up... there was a gate closed in front of them. If you're stupid enough to purposely drive around a roadblock, Darwin thinks you deserve what happens to you.

No, there is no excuse for this. Even in Houston.