Mark Lipsinic

It’s also a failure on NASA’s part not to verify the quality of the parts.
Even an intermediate to pro level engine builder will inspect new engine parts and machine work for faults before they are assembled.

The Kicks looks like hot garbage.

FM radio.... how quaint.

Environment and character art styles don’t match.
The environments are going for a photo real style, while the character style looks sort of anime. Plus, the character animations are horrible.

Jet don’t care, but the wings do.
If there is no air movement over the wings, it doesn’t matter how fast the conveyor belt moves the plan will not fly.

Lesson 1: You suck at driving.
Lesson 2: See lesson 1
Lesson 3: See lesson 2

How is someone a former Army mechanic at 18 years old?
If he joined the army in 2014 that would mean he joined at 15 or 16 years old. Does the UK take them that young?

Your “journalism” is a fucking joke.

Probably because it doesn’t have enough pedals.

It seems to me that it is the author of this article who is the one showing his ignorance.

The Chinese wouldn’t even know where to start.

R32 is my favorite.

I know you like to rag on Formula 1 here on Jalopnik....
But, there was no contact made. So, this pass would have been perfectly fine in F1 if he was able to make the move stick.

As if I needed another reason not to buy another COD game. But. there it is.

So, she spawned evil incarnate.
No surprise there.

So much crappy anime.

There it is. The stupidest thing I have read all day.

I’ve never found the Adult Swim shows to be that funny.

So, it shows that American TV animation has gotten worse.
Also, it show’s the 80's were the best years for American TV animation.

Swatters should get jail time.
They are wasting public resources that could be better served elsewhere and putting peoples lives in danger.