Good: Horrifically catchy ending theme:
Good: Horrifically catchy ending theme:
Apologists Assemble!
Gun Control Nuts want guns out of the public so they can control the public.
Oh, and Awolnation "SAIL" warning for those of you that are jerks.
and anyone stupid enough to do 60 over the speed limit in a low handling area is a fucking idiot. There is no excuse for this, the dumb ass killed them both by trying to show off.
They were both semi-pro race car drivers, they had nothing to prove, but the driver let his ego get the best of them.
There is no…
90 in a 35.... take it to the track people..... its not worth dying to show off
Proper ice-sliding Iceman confirmed. Ticket sold.
My entry :)
Always wanted to use this.
Loving the new design for Godzilla. Loving the new trailers, the cast. Everything.
Go big or go home.
Does the C-130 JATO (Jet Assisted Take Off) count?
Propeller? That's cheating.
I look forward to the Top Gear tour of the abandoned Ferrari Amusement Park in Spain in 4 years.
2.) Fix the worst road designs
What is sad is that people will get in a tizzy about whatever new Halo game comes out just because it is Halo, but when the guys who INVENTED Halo come out with a new game it suddenly doesn't matter because it is not Halo and not exclusive to some console or another.