It is sad. How old are Carolyn and Dan? What is Sierra doing just standing there?
It is sad. How old are Carolyn and Dan? What is Sierra doing just standing there?
80,000 things happened in that episode, some great, some horrible and some just strange. After playing a masterful game to this point, Mike finally, finally tripped up in massive fashion. At the auction, he could have told Carolyn and Dan, "Look, I want an advantage more than I want a letter from home. I have saved my…
"Wait for Love"- Strand of Oaks
"Black Betty and the Moon"- The Horrible Crowes
"Serve Yourself"- John Lennon
"Lucy (Version 2)"- Nick Cave
"Prayer"- D'Angelo
"Keep on Growing"- Derek and the Dominos
Finished Simon Singh's 'Big Bang' last week. Really engrossing dive into the history of the scientific theory. Then quickly read Singh's 'The Simpsons and Mathematics,' which was cute but about as substantial as you'd expect. It held my interest marginally well, as any and all Simpsons minutia does, but math and I…
And people balk at me when I say that Marvel movies are just two-hour commercials.
Perhaps, though I seem to recall people thinking that more aggressive bets would become common after Chu was on, too, which never really ended up being the case. For everything that annoyed me about both Arthur and Alex, I'll tip the cap toward both. I imagine it takes steel genitals to go with the True Daily Double…
Weird game by Alex. I mean, weirder than the other ones. He seemed almost disinterested during Double Jeopardy.
It would have been too easy if they'd tossed in photos, though. I just wildly guessed Reddit, even though I knew that was wrong on both the monetary front and the time front. I simply couldn't think of any social media entities from 2010. That's the problem with the Internet. Everything sort of blurs together into one…
Agreed. I don't think he lasts long. For somebody who ended up winning a decent chunk of change, he didn't impress me.
See, I'm the opposite, I like everything in there except for Pratt. It just seems weird for him to be in that role. I like the rest because this is 'Jurassic Park' expanded to its logical conclusion. I imagine it's going to be very fun and sort of dumb and that I will love it. Plus, all of this is going to be way, way…
There is a filtration process from my brain to The AV Club. I think something, then I think about whether to post it, then I type it out, then I edit it, then I stare it for five minutes, then about 72% of the time I do not post it.
That whole thing is great. Movie around it not great. But that whole thing, awesome. You can give Spielberg a lot of flak for that movie, but guy knows how to film a methodical dinosaur chase.
Isn't the whole thing basically just a spin off of lion and tiger taming? I'm guessing those raptors are going to eat a bunch of people eventually. I think we even see some leaping, face chewing action at one point in the trailer, though it's difficult to tell because every trailer attempts to be a vaguely…
Sort of badass that this trailer begins with a middle finger to Joss Whedon.
Brendan Gleeson. Come on, AV Club, get your shit together.
Went to see the comedy for our times, 'Unfriended.'
Ben Affleck opted out of directing 'The Stand' for this? M-O-O-N spells fuck that noise.
I still like it, but I think the majority opinion has swung away from mine.
Pop-up ads feel "of the moment"? Do non-porn sites even employ them anymore? Or does Ad-Block simply make it so that they no longer exist for me?
Careful, Joss Whedon reads the Internet.