I just started yelling "No" at the television.
I just started yelling "No" at the television.
Never a good thing when your initial reaction to the winner reveal is just confusion.
Waffling on votes isn't necessarily a death knee if you can defend it. I don't know if Tai has the self-control at Tribal to make his case the way he needs to make it, though. We have already seen him have far, far too many foot-in-mouth moments at TC. I will be interested to see if Jason and Scot poison the jury at…
There was no better way for Jason to exit this game than for him to essentially vote himself out by wasting a vote on Joe.
The sad thing is that I really liked Scot early. Or I wanted to like him, at least (I love basketball and like to think athletes aren't all bags of dicks). Stopped giving him the benefit of the doubt after a few episodes. He's a bag of dicks.
I love the endurance obstacle course thingies and this challenge would have been alright if they had just not buried the balls at the center of the earth. But I see what you're saying about mixing it up a bit. I just can't wait until we get to the post-merge IC's, where most are literally just about standing in one…
I don't like Cydney. In ways, she's even worse than the other two. She pretends to be Alecia's friend and just shit-talks to the guys when her back is turned. That's not cool.
Completely. You just can't treat people that way in this game (or in life, I suppose?). Survivor's really good at building up the bumblers through editing in order to set up their juicy downfalls. I imagine we'll be getting that for both of these guys. There's just a level of condescension and sneering that makes me…
He's really well-polished, but I get very bad vibes.
Me before watching: Sweet, I get to watch somebody die on Survivor.
95% certain Nick's a serial killer.
That's unfortunate. I think they should give them as much freedom as possible with this kind of stuff. Say while Scot and Jason are building their pole, Alecia just went up to the lock with a rock (or a machete or whatever) and smashed the thing open. I'm sure that's not allowed, but it should be.
Vance oozes charisma and eloquence, but I'm with you on Brown as MVP. While he might not get the same scenery to chew through, his is such a nuanced, subtle performance. And he brings a level of empathy to Darden that I find striking.
Debbie is the worst.
I had the inebriated thought during the episode that the people who didn't fit were moles and that there would be some weird switch a few episodes in. I suppose that could still happen.
I definitely thought the bug-in-ear thing was just her freaking out over nothing right up until the bug appeared.
Cool, everybody's already starting to die.
When Dylan passes, I'm going to be a wreck. His music acted as a lifesaver during some very, very difficult times.
I found it to be an enjoyable movie-going experience. It didn't stray too far off well-worn genre tracks, but that in and of itself isn't really a problem for me.
The headline alone earned my click.