Mark Lindquist

I felt unnerved at various points, but some of the reviews were saying it was one of the creepiest, most frightening movies ever. And for me, it was not close to that. I liked everything it was doing and thought it was really well made, but it did not carry the unavoidable sense of dread that I thought it would. I'm

'Session 9' really, really let me down. After reading the reviews, I watched it fully expecting something great and my reaction was basically a giant shrug. The setting was creepy as all-get-all, but nothing about the rest of the movie did much for me.

It didn't need them and they didn't add a ton other than a few great jump scares, but I don't think they took anything off the table, either. There are few horror movies that I would recommend to non-horror fans, as if you aren't indoctrinated into the beats of the genre, you're not going to like most of them (even

I've watched 'Oculus' twice and loved it both times. There are some aspects that weren't as well done as others (the plot with the mom was the weakest aspect to me, as it seemed the closest to cliched horror), but all of the creepy psychological stuff unnerved me and the ending was a legit "holy shit" ending. Even

I watched 'Insidious' when it was released and wanted to like it more than I actually did. But it's been a while since I saw it. Probably should give it another shot.

'Dead Silence' is one of those movies on Netflix that I've scrolled past dozens of times, each time with the very, very brief thought "I guess I could watch that" before I inevitably end up watching something else. I love horror as a genre, so perhaps I'll give it a shot just based on the few not-horrible comments

Minor camp opinion approaching: 'Annabelle' wasn't a good movie, but it could have been a good movie. I liked the whole initial set-up far more than I thought I would. Once it started to dive into its own mythology and throw a bunch of Loud Horror Things at the viewer, it turned into the expected pile of garbage.

I don't normally laugh at the cute sitewide memes (not even the Dawes one), but this is that meme in its most pure, true form. One chuckle for you + upvote.

I'll be taking it tomorrow, just for a lark. Assuming I remember, which is not a given.

My guess: He didn't stop. It's just that they stopped showing it.

I trust Mike's strategic play enough to think that he knows that Rodney has Carolyn, Tyler and Will. Mike needs Shirin or Jenn (or both), because if this gets down to the seven-person alliance, Mike is not on the right side of the numbers currently. A Final Four of Mike/Shirin/Dan/Sierra is golden for Mike. He has a

Agree. Tony voted out members of his alliance, but he always did it when his alliance had a two-person advantage. He was just whittling the edges off and using the opposite alliance as votes of convenience.

Most interesting thing at Tribal is that other than Shirin, everybody basically said that Jenn has never talked to them about strategy. I think our view of her is much different than the view of her on the island. She seems to be more or less viewed as a non-entity. That's even with her idol play.

I think Will default's to Rodney's judgment, not Carolyn's. Rodney was the one who came up to him right after the merge and Rodney also talked with him after Jenn played the idol.

I think this just goes to show the well-rounded nature of Mike's game. Joe didn't go to Rodney because Rodney doesn't interact with Joe. Whereas Mike talks to everybody.

The only thing that could remotely elevate it to the hype is if we get a ton of movement on alliances in the next few episodes. I think that's going to happen, at least. The Mike-Rodney Cold War is not going to remain cold for long.

And then anointing it with chicken blood.

Well that was a weird episode. Shirin comes out as the clear winner from that whole mess. She's breaking from her alliance at just the right time. The problem so many people make is that they don't start scrambling until their number is clearly up, at which point, even if there were people in the majority alliance who

"self-publishing writers are desperate for attention, they are turning to bigger and badder gimmicks to get attention"

My attitude is "It is what it is and its effect on the industry as a whole is so, so minor that it's not worth our time to worry about." I do my part, by literally never buying shitty books. I mean, some are shitty relative to each other, and some I hate, but on the whole they're critically well-respected and do not