Watched 'Godzilla' and 'Non-Stop' last night. That's a fun doubleheader.
Watched 'Godzilla' and 'Non-Stop' last night. That's a fun doubleheader.
Favorite part of episode: Inexplicably, what Vanessa questions is if Sir Malcolm knew Mina wouldn't be at the zoo, rather than the fact that ETHAN JUST STUCK HIS HAND IN AN ANGRY WOLF'S MOUTH WITHOUT CONSEQUENCE.
I was proud of myself for not screwing up FJ. "last speech" is such a weighted term for the 60's, JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King Jr were the immediate three that came to mind. Making the LA connections, I got to RFK pretty quickly just through deductive reasoning.
My heart was fracturing throughout the last twenty-minutes, but what officially broke it was Jack calling Bella. I was certain that he was going to call the cops when he took out the phone and that right as Hannibal was leaving, the cavalry would show up. Instead, his wife, because he knew he was dying.
As much as it pains me to do it, I cannot give this season of 'Hannibal' my mental A. A- is the best I can award it. There have been moments and episodes and arcs this season that I have absolutely loved, things that made me think that the show was moving in this smart, new direction and maturing in a really…
So basically, he's in the relationship to fuck with EVERYBODY. I guess Will shouldn't feel so bad.
I don't actually believe the reunion show of hands. Sure, they're saying it now, but at the time, if it's actually Kass and Woo and Kass is up there doing her lawyer thing while Woo is giving his nice, vanilla answers, it would be pretty hard to logically convince yourself that Woo is the vote. He definitely had a…
I guess we probably should have seen this coming. Tony's not good in structured environments.
Ciera and Tina both called Monica a lapdog last season.
I think she came into her little speech trying to be evenhanded, but became annoyed when Tony kept claiming that he hadn't broken his promise to her, despite the fact that he obviously did—though he's right in that he only did that after she talked with Spencer and co.
I think she came into her little speech trying to be evenhanded, but became annoyed when Tony kept claiming that he hadn't broken his promise to her, despite the fact that he obviously did—though he's right in that he only did that after she talked with Spencer and co.
Woo was better spoken than I expected him to be (nice opening statement, compared to Tony's which was just a bunch of words), but there wasn't much he could really say.
Woo obviously had a better chance of winning against Kass, but I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that he does, regardless of the silly show of hands during the reunion. Especially given that the jury was much less emotional in their voting than I expected them to be. Tony received no backlash whatsoever. …
My final final thoughts: Tony won me over during the course of the season, to the point where I felt a little bad watching the reunion. I know he made a lot of stupid promises, but the entire idea of "swearing on Random Loved One" in a gameshow is idiotic to begin with, and his victory was a little subdued by the…
I haven't been as big a Woo fan as some people around these parts, but that drew an, "awwwwww, that's adorable" from me.
Speaking of editing, when they showed Woo talking about possibly winning a million dollars after his cousin visited, I had a sneaking feeling that Woo was being built up as a winner—it felt like an edit that was put in there solely for somebody who hadn't really been following the season but was tuning in for the…
Humorously, it probably doesn't matter if he fucks it up. These movies are going to make truckloads of money.
This title sucks.
I'm sure multiple people have died while listening to "Stairway." You put on a Classic Rock station and get in a car wreck, there's a 25% chance that song is playing.
Reverse hibernation.