It was driving me crazy, too. One of those things that if it doesn't immediately come to mind, it's probably never going to come to mind.
It was driving me crazy, too. One of those things that if it doesn't immediately come to mind, it's probably never going to come to mind.
You ventured into a Youtube comment section? That's at your own peril, my friend.
I lean toward him surviving, if only because, if he loses, how on earth would Tyrion get out of head choppy choppy? Unless Tywin is going to exile him to the Wall regardless of the outcome. Or Tyrion escapes. Or the shit up north hits the fan and suddenly the Lannister family squabbles are rendered relatively…
I've never viewed LJ as some sort of monster threat. He (and Jefra) were in the minority of their own alliance. Had everybody turned on Tony at that point, they would have been fine. Kass, Woo and Trish would have still outnumbered LJ and Jefra in that alliance.
Think your last point is why Tony did it. If he makes it to the end, she's not voting for Kass, Spencer or Woo over Tony. They genuinely seem to like and respect each other.
Kass is just too abrasive to win. It's funny, because on a strategic level, she made the most influential move in the game by flipping to vote out Sarah. Without that move, Tony and Woo are both sitting on the jury right now. If she was just a nice person, she could argue convincingly and win. Instead, anybody who…
Some of these are just the micro-stories that are necessary to help you get to know the players (thinking specifically of the Beauty tribe stuff). As for tonight's vote, I think they wanted to at least give a unanimous boot some amount of drama. If you have Tony explaining his thought process, then it becomes…
Yes, reasonable mistake. Not only is he beautiful, he's oddly mediocre at challenges. If it's not "balance on this thing," he's a non-factor.
I think a more apt example is Eddie on the season Cochran won. Eddie wasn't as strategically active as Spencer (OK, he wasn't strategically active at all—Eddie was jumping out of challenges early because Probst was offering donuts), but he almost made it to the end just because Cochran and Dawn were busy axing the…
I just have a difficult time seeing the votes going Woo's way, unless he's against Kass. Breaking down the final votes for each possible pairing (I'm going with the assumption that this is a Final 2, not Final 3, which could be a bad assumption).
Spencer's argument to everybody in the majority alliance has been that if Tony makes it to the end, Tony wins (same argument that Hayden used last season against Tyson). The argument Spencer's using isn't "if you don't help Spencer, you aren't using a smart strategy." It's "if you don't do something to damage the…
I could see him breaking down if he makes the Final Three. He practically made love to the TP idol when he found it. Dude is nothing if not emotionally insane.
Knots. Practice untying a lot of knots. Also, balancing balls on things.
I think she wants to go against Tony. She's said multiple times that she thinks he will earn jury scorn.
I don't even know what to make of the vote. What an odd Final Four we have here. Kass hates Spencer, Spencer hates Kass, Tony and Kass both want the other as a foil in front of the jury, Woo is looking more and more like a sad puppy as the lies mount. On the plus side for Kass, I think everybody wants to go to…
Yes, in the immediate sense of tribal council, you are correct. In a broader game sense, because Kass talked to Woo prior to any of this happening, even prior to Spencer winning immunity, I give her the "credit." For whatever that's worth. Everything that happened happened because Kass was not content with Tony's…
I agree that it was in his best interest, but he wouldn't have voted that way if Tony hadn't told him to. I guess my point is he doesn't even KNOW what's in his best interest. If Tony was just a normal player, LJ would still be around despite it being in Woo's best interest to get him out. Woo is the equivalent of…
He's been on the right side because Tony had him in his pocket. That Woo is gullible enough to take everything he says at face value isn't a good thing.
He looked visibly uncomfortable when Spencer and Kass were trying to strategize with him pre-Immunity. I can understand why—he and Tony were so tight. To have Kass come along and tell him that Tony was playing him must have sucked.
Whoa. Like Carrie, I didn't even catch this. I wonder if this was a show of good faith to both Kass and Woo that Tony still wanted to work with them? Or at least a show of good faith to Woo? HOPELESSLY CONFUSED NOW.