Mark Lindquist

"Naggin' Woman"- The Kinks
"Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'"- Michael Jackson
"A Piece of the Pie"- Randy Newman
"Never Going Back Again"- Fleetwood Mac
"If You Could Read My Mind"- Johnny Cash

'Godzilla'! I'm supremely happy that most of the reviews have been overwhelmingly positive.

Yeah, it's not woman-hatey (Dylan has his share of those songs). The last verse does such a fantastic job of turning the whole song on its head. I think it's really a people-hatey song, or a life-hatey song. What a fantastic album.

That is the common consensus, though I would argue for 'Brothers.' I know the album blew up and that many of the songs were overplayed, but I think it's the best example of what The Black Keys can do in terms of musical variety + quality.

I disagree with this particular arbitrary grade! I would give it a different arbitrary grade! B- or maybe a B would be much more fair. C- more or less implies that the thing isn't worth your time, which isn't true of this album. The hooks don't come up and punch you in the face, but I wouldn't be shocked if it

This is really an apt description of Peter Jackson's take on 'The Hobbit.' It took almost two movies to get to the only reason to watch the thing. At least the dragon scenes were great?

It IS stupid, but if a snake slithered down your shirt, it would be really, really difficult not to freak out. Your body has already gone haywire because it is running from a fucking Tyrannosaurus Rex. Any sort of rational thinking goes out the window. That's my experience with being chased by dinosaurs, anyway.

'Jurassic Park 3' wasn't awful. Way more of a B-movie than either of the first two, but not awful. It has its share of solid action sequences. I'll go away now.

It's equally bizarre to me how many people loathe him. He's fine. He really isn't worth an emotional investment in either direction.

If I was in the game, I wouldn't want to have an alliance with Tony, but I would absolutely love to have him in the contestant pool. The most annoying thing in Survivor has to be trying to make moves and slamming into people who are too scared to do it. I'm sure Spencer loves having Tony around.

This makes sense to me. Trying to fly the plan with Woo put it at a significant disadvantage, and if he isn't on board, Kass has no reason to waste her vote and alienate (more) people.

I don't think Kass would be looked at as a goat if she hadn't screwed over half the people in the game at the merge.

To me, the most interesting part of any season is the immediate post-merge primordial ooze and the absolute endgame. I actually don't like this part as much, where there's a clear majority alliance. Makes votes a tad bit more predictable. Thankfully, we have a wacky cast to keep things interesting.

I don't think he has to use either idol. Maybe he gives the normal one to Woo or something, but my guess is that either Kass or Spencer is gone next week and it's by a unanimous vote. Probably Kass, given Tony's pattern of waiting for a clear numbers advantage before axing somebody in his alliance he's afraid of or

Yeah, Kass is a larger part of why she got voted out, too. The only vote I absolutely see going against Tony is Jefra's. I think she just doesn't like the guy. LJ, despite the blindside, could definitely cast the Bro You Totally Broed This Game Bro vote for Tony. Alpha male respect vote not out of the question.

Whoever wins, we lose.

In retrospect, the TP idol was introduced very strangely. There was a note at the merge (if I recall correctly), but they never gave out a clue to it. Had Tony not been insane, it's extremely possible that the thing would never have been found—maybe there would have been a clue to it at the auction? Regardless,

I do wonder if the production donated money in addition to giving out globes. Puzzling to me was the fact that they didn't flash a phone number or website on the screen for viewer donations. Though it's possible this occurred while I was making food to eat?

"Physical competence" is a skill now? He's been completely average in challenges.

I think she's getting invited back if there's another Heroes v Villains kind of thing.