That is far, far too clever for the Twitter contest.
That is far, far too clever for the Twitter contest.
Ditto. I'm sure it was fun while everybody was tossing around one-liners on Twitter about it, but removed from the social media aspect, it's just another SyFy movie—albeit with such an absurd premise that you do have to give it at least a little credit.
Saying that it's a good movie is probably giving it a little too much credit.
Sean O'Neal read this part of the thread, shook his head and walked into traffic.
Doritos are Lorde?
They're reairing the Summer Olympics? We literally already saw The Gabby Douglas Story when she appeared in a bunch of interviews, was the subject of a bunch of puff pieces and performed in the Olympics. THAT WAS THE STORY.
Absolutely, there was a hell of a lot of football to be played. I shouldn't have said that he "probably" would have won had it not occurred. The point I'm trying to make is that something like an onside kick could have directly effected Manning's legacy. Peyton Manning has absolutely nothing to do with kick…
Nah, it's pretty easy (so long as you keep enjoyable company), but I'm glad you look up to me for the way I deal with minor annoyances. I hope you are able to cope adequately when humans are putting you on the defensive over your interests—why people do this, I don't know. As you seem curious, I generally manage the…
**makes 8,000,000,000th "there's a reason they call it the Super BOWL" joke**
"Oh, they've never been to a Super Bowl in your lifetime? That's cool. Our team's never been to a Super Bowl in any human's lifetime and also our city is bankrupt and our cultural touchstone is Emenim."—Detroit Lion Fans
You'd think he would get a lifetime pass, but that lifetime pass basically lasted "one off-season," and then Giant fans were back to ripping Eli whenever he screwed up. Oh the fickle nature of sports fandom.
I understand the arguments that you're using, but I don't agree with them, mainly because the playoffs are an incredibly small sample size and you're going to get weird things in those games. Just talking Manning-Brady, here are some weird things: Brady doesn't have the Tuck Rule go his way, he doesn't win that…
Oh pish posh. So many reasons for pish posh: This column has only been running a short time and obviously it is a work-in-progress, cut a little slack. The Super Bowl is the most watched event of the year and thus will garner a longer column than usual. The approach of the column is to throw a bunch of stuff at the…
I think the tone at the front of the piece is misplaced and comes from the fact that sports fans have to put up with an unnecessary level of condescension from some parties. It can be really aggravating to have to be on the defensive about enjoying football (or whatever). And I'm sure most sporting event enthusiasts…
Speaking of FB, the same person who will readily tell you that they do NOT own a TV, thank you very much, is the person who loudly and boldly proclaims that they're, "Getting off Facebook, man, because it's just a sick disconnection from society." And then two months later comes back on Facebook because they really…
I know multiple people of the ilk. Thanks grad writing program!
We're not ever going to see the moral panic that we saw in baseball repeat itself in another sport. If it was going to happen, it was going to happen while the moral panic in baseball was happening. It didn't happen, for two reasons: First, numbers in football don't matter to anybody, whereas numbers in baseball…
Nobody cares about the Seahawk suspensions. At most they'll be mentioned in passing on Sunday, as in, "What a great tackle by ____. He was suspended for the first ___ games and you can see what a difference he's made since his return." All of the flack that Seattle catches is of the, "Haha, the Seadderall Seahawks"…
Oh look, they're normal now. Oh wait, no, they're still creepy.
And the issue with this is…?