
If the brain was electronical, I would assume they would than give Dolores and the rest of Gen1 new bio-bodies, because interfaces is more robust. Though I suppose that could be explained by Fords nostalgia.

Why would ANYONE spray their land with something that effectively kills it. How will they do business if they kill their land?

I think he sent him BACK into the park. Naked and tied up. To die of dehydration probably.

Why do you assume their brains are electronical?

No all cheeses are alike.

They must have awful beef patties than :)

You can also brown the bun after you spread mayo on it, to get “less” fatty but still tasty and crunchy bun.

You have not had FRESH (or aged) than.

Caramelized onions and mayo make everything better.

So the cig actually made you expel the bad stuff from you? that’s a good thing than, no?

I per day can also be 1 pack at a once a month drunken saturday night out. I know people like that. They have no problem with long bus or plane rides like i do. And they don’t HAVE to smoke. But that 1 time every month or two, they enjoy it and want it.

You are a bit too literal, or something.

Not tobacco.. Inhaling any SMOKE in your lungs makes you a smoker.

I don’t understand these percentages.. Statistically, it should be so that 50% die earlier, 50% die later than average, or no? excluding car accidents and such extreme unrelated cases, of course..

You are suggesting that minorities and women would hire proportionally more minorities and women? How is this any different than what we have now?

This has gotten ridiculous. If someone is hiring, they want the best person for the job.

I have never in my life heard anyone specifically mentioning this character ever. I seriously doubt it’s beloved in any sense of the word.

Hm, how does “ultra strong” & “bio degradable” go together?

Awful advice to skip this, I think. Browning is the point of any meat preparation. By far the most important component.

I don’t get it, commercially available oatmeal is cooked in under 5 minutes anyway?