
As a European potatoeater, please enlighten me.. Why would rice require a separate device to cook it, if you already own a pan? (other than non-rice related things like timers and such)

As a European potatoeater, please enlighten me.. Why would rice require a separate device to cook it, if you already

Ford could the Host as well. One that has been downloaded to a new organic body. And he sees Gen1 mechs (what he was) as a reminder of a simpler times, when he was made.

That’s some serious sheltering.

Who washes the blender?

Exactly, it's the lack of organizations. But with that, you need leadership, and than there's always a probability (inevitability?) of it going corrupt.

I guess hackers at large could become heroes if they devoted to higher goals. But that's just idealized and will obviously never happen.

Is this supposed to be art?

It does, but Khan is Khan. Star Trek being about exploring the galaxy and everything, I am surprised I'm fascinated by some more "down to earth" themes so much.

It's not Khan?! :'(

Than how come google pushes updates to nexii right away? That means chipmakers get the newest android versions beforehand, right?

No offense taken. That's actually pretty accurate description, "armchair revolutionary".

You misinterpret my intention.

I love hackers. If only they focused their attention to worthy targets more often.

I might not have expressed my self right..

How is this giant?It looks like a small hill.

I'm sorry, but I just don't see the logic of the guy being an asshole for smoking in his own apartment.

opera speedial

Pair it with a decent graphics card and you have a great gaming PC. You might not be able to ultra everything, but it's still gonna look awesome.


I was hoping it would be more than a pitfall clone. which is ironic. Also, colour scheme is terrible.