Mark Greg Sputnik

I'm so glad the baby punting story ended with the parents apologizing.

Yeah I would have just lost my mind and peeled out.

My Brazilian friend made $91,666.66 per minute working less than 1 hour! No college degree required. To find out how, just go to this website:

"Ouch. Who threw that?"

Counterpoint: no, they aren't.

"I don't think he was really blindfolded."

"Can't deny that the windmill was tight, though."

Guy on the left just caught the power of the Holy Ghost

Now playing

That picture is misleading to the point of being dishonest. Security guard wasn't putting his hand behind his back, she was leading him away. Watch the video.

No big deal! But I do see that you've changed the file from "Greg Anthony" to "March Madness" and in the interest of transparency, there should at least be comment about that.

Knowing Missouri, it wouldn't be chocolate sprinkles they are pooping.

Hasn't it already been made abundantly clear how much St. Louis hates chocolate sprinkles?

Do you think that is Greg Anthony? Because it's Kenny Smith.

[overheard, post-melee]

With him out, now who will emerge as the leader in this year's version of "Screwing Shea Weber out of the Norris Trophy"?

Aw, I always try to be nice to people who have misfiring moments like that, cause I had one myself. I started working in newspapers after college as an English major and there were a bunch of industry writing terms I'd never heard before, including something called a "nut graph" which is basically the second or third

it's clearly not a banner deadline day.

Welcome back, Alex.

Before I start, let me say I was a server for a decade, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for all service employees. But this story has become legendary in my family, so: Mr. Tigger and I moved for his job from the East Bay Area in CA to Austin, Texas. On our first date night after moving, we went out to