Mark Greg Sputnik

There is NEVER a bad time for this gif.


Gold medal??? Looks like black medal to me LOLOLOLOOLOLLOLOLDOFDPKFDSFKSDFKD

Bob Knight couldn't be reached for a fucking comment.

BRUH. I FUCKING SWEAR. The fucking dress appeared white and gold on twitter and everything and this picture. I scrolled down to look at the comments, turned my lights off about to go to sleep still on my mac. THE DRESS TURNED BLUE AND BLACK AND ON TWITTER AND EVERYTHING. WTFFFF. WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?

Culligan, man!

A second-rounder and a conditional third-rounder? That seems like a high price to pay, but then again, maybe not. I'll have to mullet over.

Only bad things happen when Jerry Gergich is around.

That black llama juking that dude out of his shoes could be on an And1 Mixtape

My favorite installment of "People from the South Learning About the Cold" was the story of William Henry Harrison.

It would be a hell of a catch if you guys can secure it.

"don't ever turn on an Everton game."

I hope when he makes a decision, he sticks by it. One thing I want to see from Larry Sanders is no flipping.

Let's be honest, brother's fault for not seeing how this could go wrong.

You're right. He won for "Threat Level Midnight."

It's a joke. Threat Level Midnight was a joke film featured in an episode of the office, starring Michael Scott. You know. Reference for Steve Carrell/the Office fans.

It's comments like this that help us realize how spoiled we are too have witnessed the PURE GENIUS of Michael Scarn.

I don't see that as his style, though I wish. I can imagine michael Scott hosting though. I imagine we'd see a twirl/spin move or two.

Because we lost by a single goal, which is almost the definition of close when losing.