That picture describes my dreams
That picture describes my dreams
Well...there it is
The phrase “moist, meaty humans” makes me feel weird.
Any reason he didn’t start you with Halo: Combat Evolved? Are you planning on playing that and Halo 2?
Couldn’t you have put at least a small description of what the movie is/about? I don’t want to watch 25 movies based on their titles alone and I prefer to not watch trailers because they often reveal too much.
If you drink a Monster the adrenaline surges through your body and actually transfers through your foot to the accelerator adding at least 4 hp.
*Picks up can and tries to toss in trash bin but, mistakenly, hits combine*
Also, humiliatingly, that was a 100% unintentional pun... my dad would be disappointed.
Interesting. I had initially thought that you meant that there were federal regulations which limited the capability of headlights... @_@
Enlighten me on this.
Cue the Michael Scott pond scene.
I cut out cable to save money. Now I can spend that (cable TV-watching) extra time watching Netflix, HBO GO, Amazon Prime Movies..............I’ve made a huge mistake...
I read your “...wellll” in the 10th Doctor’s voice. Thank you.
I’d give you all my Mario 64 stars if I had them here at work with me.
I love VIII. I started my FF experience by watching my friend play through VII but VIII was the first game I got that was my own (so it could be just steeped in nostalgia) and I played the hell out of it.
Mr. Robot?
But guys, it was on Shark Tank, guys.
But guys, it was on Shark Tank, guys.
Curious...what games do you play with this hybrid scheme? I’ve never even thought about trying it but sounds very interesting, albeit confusing.
It may be obsolete as the current top tier gaming computer, but it’s still leaps and bounds more powerful and functionally diverse than any console.