Snuze: Needs another Swede

Awesome. I grew up near Frederick, out off I-70. I was stationed in SC for a year, loved the place but the drivers were awful. I still wouldn't hesitate to move back.

I lived in Charleston, SC for a year and I will agree, by far the worst drivers I've ever experienced.

My favorite is the I-495 outerloop right lane to I-270 HOV sextuple lane change!

Great article, Tyler! Keep up the great work.

I wanted to go sit in one after reading your review and looking at the pictures.. "It looks soooo bad, put Patrick says it's soooo good. I must go find out for sure!"

I don't have sound or missed the text, so thanks. And your math adds up. Like I said, I thought .50 BMG because the numbers they showed were close.

That's why I was tempted to think that... it's close. But the cartridge just looks so big. Now I'm pretty sure it's a 20mm.

For a moment I was thinking that, since they are in England, it might be one of those crazy game stopping rounds, like a .700 Nitro Express, but those are all rimmed. I think you're right, probably a 20mm.

That is one big ass gun! I'm trying to figure out what those shells are, definitely look bigger than .50 BMG.

Yeah, you can't tease a story like that. Out with it!

I love this!!! Reminds me of the expedition vehicles people build... take a Mitsubishi Fuso cab-over 4x4 (they exist but are kind of rare in the US) and strap a camper to the back.

Well more like it's a contained system. You don't want to be piping hot steam all over the ship, you want it nice and contained in the reactor compartments and engine rooms. That way if there is a problem, worst case, you only lose one reactor/engine room.

I didn't say lasers were realistic, I just said I like them. And the idea of having ships laze each other makes as much or more sense.

The heat exchangers are internal for that reason. Also, the working fluid coming out of them is at very low temperature so it wouldn't be very effective. A more effective thing to do would be using hot side steam, but that's incredibly dangerous to run all over a ship, both to the crew and to the reactor itself.

That is true because they reactors use the river water as a sink for waste heat coming out of the condensing units. Wouldn't work so well in a ship, unless you wanted to start slowly filling it up with lukewarm water which wouldn't have much of an effect anyways.

As a former nuke sailor, No.

Doug, does the Hummer have provisions for the roof turret? I can see from the picture of you sitting on the roof there's no obvious hole up there, but is all the framework still there on the inside? Actually, does it even have a head liner?

Buy an older car and stop bitching. At least it can still play your eight-tracks.

That blue thing... Please tell me that is an enormous supercharger!

A few people have suggested this, and I think it's a good idea.