Snuze: Needs another Swede

The only thing that would make this better is it if had a drawer for a trunk that slid out over that battery compartment:

Wow, I didn't even know you could get a gas engine in a Hummer. I watched the video at work, with no sound, which is why I didn't realize it was gas.

I don't think it was particularly ridiculous either. I just think there ought to be some judiciary element if you're going to levy fines in this manner. My comment was that I think this might be a bit excessive for a first offense for what amounts to a minor traffic infraction wherein no one got hurt or killed. But

Doug, I saw some of your comments, about your H1 needing $5k in work when you bought it. Is it an Alpha with the Duramax diesel or does it have the old (un)reliable 6.5L? And if a 6.5L, how much of that $5k is engine work?

Thank you for a well thought out and clear explanation. I am inclined to agree with you, though I think speed limits are called for in certain contexts (neighborhoods, cities, etc.).

Point taken.

I think tying it all back into monetary terms (lifestyle) is misleading. You're right, when sent to prison you are in an unpleasant, highly constrained environment. But free life is entirely subjective, i.e. you may be a poor person living beyond your means with a fancy car, wearing nice clothing, and eating at nice

That's an interesting idea, and I agree with you that the punishments should fit the crime. But there's also an equally valid and compelling point - levying monetary fines has much greater impact on some people than others. To someone on a very low income, a fine can be devastating, but to a multimillionaire it

So how do you propose to deal with speeders? Incarcerate them?

But the concept behind prison punishment isn't about lifestyle change. Since we all live roughly the same amount of time (average lifespan is 80 years in developed nations, and rich people don't life significantly longer than poor people), the punishment of incarceration doesn't favor the wealthy or poor.

But progressive jail sentences don't make any sense compared to progressive fines. When you comment a jailable offense, it doesn't matter how rich or poor you are, we all live about the same amount of time (80 years is about the average lifespan in developed nations). So getting 20 years in jail is going to take the

There have been working examples. They can hardly be called "working," however.

I think this could make an excellent solution to a daily driver, especially when combined with an efficient diesel, but any ICE would work.

I don't think that anyone is questioning if flow cells are a thing or if they work. The issue is they are making bold claims (900HP, 300 mile range, 1000HP, 500 mile range, 5x energy density over LiON batteries) but not providing any working proof whatsoever.

Hmm, this is good information. Now to find a very cheap piece of property in Indiana...

Can it do this?

True, I forgot that one. but as has been debated on here many times, Chevy doesn't care to market it so people constantly forget it exists. Also, I think they are very expensive for what they are.

Is it resonating with you?

How many of the drivers have mullets? My guess? All of them.

Interesting, didn't know about the FTO. I just looked it up, its a pretty cool car.