Snuze: Needs another Swede

Uhh... as a convertible it's heavier and has less chassis rigidity compared to a fixed head car. And yet I submit that this would still win.

Agreed. When I hear coupe, I always think 2 door, regardless of whether or its a fixed roof or convertible. Personal idiosyncrasy, I guess.

Ahh, yes, the Integra is a great car. My old neighbor had an immaculate Type-R that was an absolute monster. I just really like the Elan M100 for some unfathomable reason. It's the only FWD I actually lust after.

The definition of coupe is 2 doors and fixed roof. I got half the equation right. 4 doors and a roof only gets half the equation right. Potato, potatoe.

It's the closest the world has ever come to a stellar and lightweight front-wheel-drive sports coupe.

Solution? Spend the $575 on the bare frame. The $340 left over will buy you a lot more than 4 HP.

My cousins are all Gen Z'ers and I don't think any of them care too much about cars. They pretty much drive whatever their parents buy for them (one uncle bought a 1983 Ford Econoline Leisure van for the kids to drive and none of them really care). The one cousin who does like cars is also really into dirt biking,

Hey, thanks for the link, that's really interesting stuff!

Actually, a car battery holds about 1 kW-h of energy, and you'd only need an electric heater until the engine comes up to operating temperature. I haven't done a detailed analysis but I'm ball parking that you'd only need a 250W heater and running your fan at low speed. Even without the car running, you could run

I don't think it would be that bad. You're pretty limited on a 12V electrical system with how much power you can use without flowing huge amounts of current. I'm thinking something like 200-250W would be about the most you could do. Maybe they've already looked into it and that's just not enough heat to make a

I've heard it maybe have shown up on a couple cars here and there, but I'm not sure why it can't be ubiquitous. It seems like such a no-brainer feature to have, and I don't think it would possibly be that expensive to operate.

How about rethinking the heating/defrosting system?

Neutral: Would You Buy A Subaru? If you were in the market for a new car would you at least cross-shop it?

I bet an HVAC full of bees will teach you some road manners, jerkface.

With a lot of other high-end manufacturers getting into the track-only special game, Aston Martin clearly just saw that the waters are too tempting not to jump in. Enter the Aston Martin Vulcan, a surprise 800 horsepower bombshell of a V12 track day monster. With everything you need, and nothing you don't.

It's been done, there was a particular tank I can't recall right now that could fire a specific missile out of it's cannon.

Gun ammo is cheaper (unguided) and easier to manufacture, the ammo is smaller, lighter, and easier to handle. It's much easier to reload a gun (most have autoloaders now) than to re-stock a box launcher. Also, a single gun turrent can shoot as many shells as you have. With rockets you either use a box launcher with

It's not only that, its the hardware itself. Everything has to be made to military specifications. That means it has to work day or night, in clear weather, through fog, rain, snow, desert mirage, at temperatures ranging from 165 deg. F to -65 deg. F. It has to withstand shock and vibration in every transport

And I'm all for that. In a luxury market you need to be competitively priced. If you start slashing prices you're seen as the "me too" or "wannabe" guy. It's a tough course to set, and I think Cadillac is just going to have to ride the storm. I just hope this is an important lesson to them about what happens when

I know it doesn't happen overnight. My question was more of a rhetorical one. I just wonder if there's anyway to jump start this process. I'm not a marketing or advertising person, so I have no idea.