Snuze: Needs another Swede

Thus, new Prez Johan de Nysschen thinks maybe they need some boutique stores and fewer dealers.

The problem is you'll probably roll over once, and get stuck that way. Being upside down in the water trapped in a car is just as bad as being stuck on the bottom once the cockpit starts to fill up.

I absolutely agree, especially when it comes to restoring an old muscle car or something along those lines. Body work is definitely pricier than engine work. And I've rebuild some motorcycle engines, so I know what's involved, its more of an issue of us being lazy and not looking to have to rebuild the car BEFORE we

This would have a much higher rollover potential. Scary prospect.

Doug, I think the A/C Recharge is a metaphor for any number of automotive casualties. My favorite thing, though, is when the seller offers to provide you with parts. My friend and I are kind of half heartedly looking for a low buck beater to RallyCross. Every car we find we get told something along the lines of

You have a point, especially on the theft. I was thinking about stealing a scooter/motorcycle compared to this and I'd call it a draw on which is easier to snatch.

The theft issue was one of my first thoughts. It's so light and the ability to flip it up works to a disadvantage here. See one you want to steal? Flip it on it's arse, back a pickup up to it, and push it back down into the bed. Stolen!

The "Hardcore" valve covers lead me to believe it's a Bill Mitchell Products engine. The guy used to build some sick traditional small blocks, though 800hp seems a little far fetched. To the best of my memory, his best offering was a 427 SBC that made 625hp or something like that. And that's a whole lot of power

Interesting, never heard of Careless Operation. I'm lucky I wasn't written up for reckless.

Unless things have modernized, South Carolina doesn't reciprocate points on out of state licenses. I was stationed in Charleston for a year and got pulled over doing 63 in a 45. I still had a Maryland drivers license. Didn't know about the trail-by-jury trick, so I went to traffic court.

I think this section wasn't particularly good in explaining the timeline of how this change happened. I have a copy of "Driving Ambition" at home, which is the story of the McLaren F1 development. I don't have it to reference but I will try to do this from memory. The rundown of events was basically this:

Frankly, I'm more excited about this than I am about the Ford GT reveal. I absolutely love the direction Cadillac has been moving the brand in terms of style and value. I think they still have a little bit of ground to cover to catch Ze Germans, but they are within striking distance for the first time in, well...

This a million times.

The 1.4L turbo is actually a good little engine, the problem is Chevy neutered the hell out of it to get it to run on 87 Octane gasoline, because no sane person is going to buy a $20k Cruze if it only ran on premium fuel. But if you're willing to pay the extra few bucks at the pump, you can easily wring

Well if a TRANSmission TRANSmits mechanical power, usually involving some variety of gear reduction, wouldn't a CISmission either bottle it up or dispose of it?

Sweet mother of god. The want is hard with this one. If nothing else, just for the lolz.

A rear wheel drive car fitted with proper snow tires, in the hands of a good driver is as good as anything else in the snow.

The best time to go to an auto show is on a public week day morning. I used to go to the DC Auto Show on weekends, because I had school or work or whatever. And it is always terrible and here's why - kids. Everyone takes their kids there and turns them loose like its the Play Place at McDonalds. It's incredibly

My realistic budget? The Singer Roadster at the top.

I've spent my life on the east coast, mostly in areas that get a pretty good amount of snow, but it's usually a lot of smaller snow storms that drop 3-6". Maybe once a year you get the 1-1.5' snow, and every few years a mini-blizzard that dumps 3-4'. For these kinds of conditions cars like the Subaru are great. But