Snuze: Needs another Swede

I've felt this urge before. My buddy and I used to call them "intrusive thoughts." When I first started driving, I felt this one in particular, it was a curiosity thing though - if I crank the wheel hard at speed, am I just going to spin out, or will the car flip spectacularly? Even more scary, the same thing

Well, if you ask my fiance, the worst driving advice I've ever given is anything I've told her in relation to driving a stick shift.

With the sterilization of the automobile in this day and age, it makes perfect sense to pick something so mundane. And frankly, if you're going to the New York Times for your automotive queries, you probably wouldn't be able to relate to a manual shifter anyways.

There are so many things wrong with that roll cage. Personally, I'd feel SAFER just cutting it off and taking my chances.

You guys should take 10 minutes and swing by U. Maryland... it's on your way, right at the 95/495(DC Beltway) split. We'd love to have you guys come check out the Terps Racing Formula SAE shop and see some sweet race cars.

Matt, I mentioned this the other day, but I wasn't kidding when I said the guys and gals at Terps Racing would love to have you all stop by. There are also quite a few Jalopnik readers in the house who love this site.

Where will you all be in DC? I'm nearby and I'd love to come meet you guys. In fact, if you want, you can come chill in the Terps Racing Formula SAE shop. We're up in College Park, Maryland, maybe 20 minutes or so outside of DC (depending on where you are at in the city, and how traffic is that day). There are

John, here's a 2 part question for you...

As the local ambassador of Chevy love around here, I'll chime in and say that I'm quite impressed with the little Sonic RS.  It's the car I wish I could have bought when I got my Cruze; sadly they weren't out then, or else it'd the direction I would have gone in. 

As the ambassador of Cruze love 'round these parts I, for one, welcome this. I just wish it had been available when I bought mine.

Because the Citroen's single spoke wheel was just too silly. Subaru XT.

The car itself. But I'd settle for another 30 minutes.

Easy... My Christmas present 2 years ago was 30 minutes at the wheel of a Ferrari 458. That's the only thing I've ever wanted for Christmas since then.

What did he go inside his house for? Did he come back out with a gun or something, or just to argue some more? Because the answer to that question is going to answer most all the other questions I have about this story.

Assuming it comes to the States... I could buy 2 FR-S for that much money. Now don't get me wrong, I love the car, I think it looks gorgeous. I also understand it's a more limited production model. Maybe it's just me, I rarely see the point in paying for exclusivity, but my thinking is it should either look more

If I had to venture a guess, it's because it's easy. Carbon fiber layup is expensive and time consuming, especially with the more complex and rounded shapes. Since the front box is something nobody is ever really going to see, since it's under the hood/trunk and all, there's no reason NOT to make it box and save

Aluminum isn't superior - it's got a good strength to weight ratio, but not as good as CF, and it's subject to fatigue failure.

That sounds like an awesome road trip. And you all had a cool car to do it in. I've been thinking lately about acquiring a early 60's Bentley (very similar to the Rolls) to restore, but that's going to have to wait another year or so until after I get married.

I made a girlfriend cry for leaning on my car. I had spent all day waxing and detailing it, and she had jeans on with the little rivets near the pockets.

I got excited about that too. Also just before that I saw a Peugeot 207 CC, the car I will be driving from Paris to Gernoble next month.