Snuze: Needs another Swede

Didn't really need to watch the vid, I already know the answer.

Light year is a measure of distance, not time.

Good to know; I'll keep my eye on it, but I've only got 14,500 miles on mine. And I've had mine for 9 months. Man, your uncle must drive a lot. So far though, the Cruze has given me no indications that it's going to be a problem car. And if it is, I'll park that thing in my dealers service department... by way of

Oh yeah, it definitely did... sort of. There are some in's and out's to warranties, if you're not aware. By law, the onus is on the dealer to prove you broke the car. With a tune, this is pretty easy because they can use a GM TechIII scanner to pick it up, and they will deny any engine related claims, possibly also

As a former WRX owner, I have to admit that getting rid of it was one of the dumber decisions I've made in my life. But I do feel your pain on the mileage.

That right there makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and gives me cold shivers. You, sir, should make commercials. I don't even know what this thing looks like, but I want the R36 RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!!!

If only it had a proper gearbox instead of the autotragic. Still, nice find, and you're right, it has the potential for awesomeness if it can find owner with a lot of love to give it.

Interesting looking game. I browsed their site for a few minutes, but I can't seem to find some vital info... is it available for Macs? If it is, I may have to register and get a copy.

That sounds awesome! I'm not terribly familiar with the Spitfires, but they look pretty neat. I think you'll end up with a pretty nice ride. I'm going up to the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix in a couple of weeks, and there's always tons of little British sports cars up there, I'll try to take some pictures. I've

Thanks, glad you liked it. And I'm not too familiar with the others. I do know the T/A was done by aftermarket tuners because Chrysler didn't offer anything that could make a viable 302 Combo. I think the Boss 302 was completely Ford though.

My dad used to have a fully loaded out 1969 with all the goodies. I've made it my life's mission to get one someday, so I've become a bit knowledgeable about them so I'll try to give you a rundown.

I know what you mean.

Oh, good day, eh?

Holy thread resurrection, Batman!

Here's a weird one that actually spans a model year. It's a Chevrolet "Bull nose" pickup. It was released late in 1954 and discontinued in 1955. It was meant to be a stop-gap update to the regular 54 models until the "Advance Design" was ready for production in 1955. My dad and I came close to buying one to

Not sure if this is a real story or not, but if it is, shame on the dealership. Of course it makes me wonder why he didn't just go to another dealership. Better yet, why not go home, get showered and changed into a nice suit, walk into the dealership with that cash payment, wave it in front of their faces, and then

Actually all you need to do is disconnect the front drive shafts and... something something center differential. You don't actually *need* to remove anything else - the center and front diff's are built into the transmission housing, so to 'remove' them you have to remove the whole trans.

That's kind of odd. Guess there's a reason American cars have the reputation they do.

It's possible, I know the other Delta cars (i.e Pontiac G5, Saturn Ion, and the HHR) had the same problem. They may have used the same parts across other cars.

Chevrolet Cobalt Ignition Switches!