If by "quitting our jobs to write fan fiction", you mean "downing a bottle of wine in 10 minutes and weeping on the floor while ripping up our creative writing degrees"...then, very much so.
If by "quitting our jobs to write fan fiction", you mean "downing a bottle of wine in 10 minutes and weeping on the floor while ripping up our creative writing degrees"...then, very much so.
"Just because I messed around with you doesn't mean I want anything to so with you, yet here you are leaving your boyfriend who can actually stand to be around you to come here and try to help me"
Because you don't really interact with the modem these days. It's inert and just there. In the bad old days, you had to care about what a modem did, because it was inside your computer (or next to it) and making a shit ton of noise.
The second was Lucille Ball, who had become so powerful that she could force the issue on her show, I Love Lucy. Far from provoking controversy, as the CBS network had feared, Ball's pregnancy story line generated huge interest. The episode in which "Little Ricky" was born was watched by 44 million people.
If you're Joss Whedon, you fire the actress and kill off her character.
I am living in Sudan, and this difference between how people actually talk and the way everything is written is everywhere. In Sudanese Arabic, for example, 'stop' is 'ageef.' What's written on stop signs, however, is 'khifa.' When I noticed this, my friend explained to me that if you actually said khifa, you would…
At that point, that's really just natural selection.
Make it go away! In all languages!
Why bring people with mental problems into this? Is your vocabulary so limited you cannot find a way to insult someone without bringing people with mental disabilities into it?
No—actually, this is a dialect—not just poor spelling.
A language is a dialect with an army and a navy ; )
.... No. There are non standard sentence structures, verb/subject choices, and rhythmic patterns, as well as idiomatic phrases that are restricted to a sub-group of people (which doesn't have to be geographically based).
She makes proper use of "whomever," which is better than most English dialects these days.
You have more grace. When I saw the question, I could only answer with, "Racist!"
"Honey, do you know you have a baby on your dress?"
There are many dialects of English; this is one. So, yes. It is English.
You're right! She probably stubs her cigarettes out in its fontanelle!
So, is that her "something new"?