
Dont forget the seasonal version

Bow before the one true GIF

Bye, bitch. A supine Silent Sam is a more accurate representation of the Confederacy anyway.

Cronenberg-esque fashion sense.

Poor form. He needed an armstrong enough to landis punch.

best blog Deadspin has ever run?

Philosophers don’t want you to know this one simple trick!

“See guys? Not so easy keeping two sets of books,” -Bernie Madoff.

How could anyone, what with all the ghosts around and whatnot.

Obra Kernodle.....IV

Nobody is beating Dr. Narwahls Mating.

They were sitting ducks.

Two’s company, three’s a crowd

Way to kill two stones with one turd.

#1 Anything from the Summer olympics (Except the horse things)
#2 Any major American Sport Championship
#3 The Winter Olympics
#4 The Horse things

Terrell OWNS morelike.

I still got it. Oh yeah.

Those jackets are pretty badass!

Feb. 5, 2016, when I asked Barry if this concept was too stupid and he said “nah, blog it.”

Some of us like to drink and get out of our apartment so we don’t feel alone, but don’t really want to talk to people.