
Admittedly my speakers don’t work, so I’m just relying on lip-reading here, but I really thought it looked like he said, “Is Joe Flacco elite?”

Well, that certainly was a softball question.

I’m so tired of Ben Roethlisberger trying to shove his shit down people’s throats.

You’re right: a Dodgers fan calls a corkscrew a “twistystabber”

Musta taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque.

“The big hand moves faster than the little hand.”

You followed this link from Facebook, didn’t you? Please, stay there. Facebook comments are expected to be full of false outrage and spelling errors. Comments on this site are held to a higher standard of dick jokes and other forms of advanced humor.

If you try to run a trick play while the defense plays with 10 men to honor a dead teammate, this deserves to happen to you.

The NFC’s playoff was just a cascading shitshow. The Cowboys fuck the Lions. The Packers fuck the Cowboys. The Seahawks fuck the Packers. The Patriots fuck the Seahawks. You couldn’t find three fanbases more deserving of making excuses when their teams win through questionable bullshit only to have their guts stomped

Can’t you miserable people be happy he’s making that kind of money?

I’m not saying Jay Gruden’s fat, but when he sits around the offensive mascot’s tee-pee, he sits around the offensive mascot’s tee-pee.

A Jay Gruden fat joke? Now that’s an offensive line that RGIII can really get behind.

“Those bastards in Bristol are ruining everything,” Palin continued. “I’ll be babysitting every weekend ‘til I’m fucking 75 years old at this rate.”

“Now...where was I on the ESPN thing....oh right, Curt Schilling...”

you guys didn’t get it.


Dee Ford runs away from the ball carrier.

This post is bad and you should feel bad.

Sometimes I love America, and sometimes I REALLY love America.

I still have some (misguided) hope for the team. If they finish 8-8 I’ll be happy. It’s really like the 2010 era again. There’s a lot of talent but it just doesn’t look like it will ever be utilized properly.

Fun anecdote: I wanted to buy a jersey this year for games but I couldn’t think of an active player I wanted