
My wife and I also ran this as our first marathon, with slightly less impressive results, but many of the tips he recommends gel with what we had been reading from the likes of Hal Higdon and relatives who had marathon experience.

Ken Norton was no where to be found, per the usual.

Let's be honest here...sports blogs courting Bill Simmons should...nay, be a reality TV show.

How about the fact that the NHL seems to think they should just repeatedly hire the dirtiest ex-players they can find to run "player safety?" Does anyone else find that odd?

Personally, I like my hockey teams with a mix between tall fast guys, and big hard shooting guys. Maybe a tiny average guy to even things out a bit.

Well, they did have a grand Wizard at shortstop

These Cardinal's fans are doing things the white way.

Best Klans In Baseball

I hate all this bullshit where idiots have to build a personal identity around bacon, but I like bacon because it tastes like salt and fat.

I like bacon because it's damn delicious! It should be noted that restaurant bacon generally sucks compared to bacon you prepare yourself.

They should really be used to losing three hours wherever they play.

I said to my wife, "this will be on Deadspin". Thanks for not disappointing.

the best play in nfl blitz is pass interference.

Thanks, Jolie. Now can you please provide the proper instructions for cleaning them? Spare no detail. Type slowly. Videos and images acceptable.

But it's still fun to see whether saber websites or Vegas odds were more accurate

This old picture of Andrew should help explain things.

Let him stay. He's the only thing on the screen that makes any goddamn sense.

1a. Thou shalt not rank Original Cafe Mix Milk and Honey Granola ahead of other breakfast cereals.
