
People selling their rap CDs. "I am a cross between Macklemore and Jay-Z." Ok, well I am a cross between believing you are full of shit and not willing to part with $10.00.

Looks like he's gotten a little pail in the offseason.

Turned it sideways and everyone squeezed in

"I can't believe it worked"

Poor DRAFTRON 3000, it wasn't your fault the intern selected "WR ONLY" and nobody noticed for 3 years.

I never thought my life would come to the point where I am clicking a link for a backstory on a guy throwing a raccoon...but here we are...

I really do want to help, Samer. But could you please post a description of the cat instead?

Oh my god! Wes Welker's dog is SO cute!!

"We find this salacious report from The Guardian to be completely without merit. Frankly, we've covered this ground before and we are well protected in our activities by the Constitution of the United... wait, what? Oh, droves! Ha, droves, ok, got it! Yeah, that's fine. No further comment."

Go figure, the team also sings "before this river, becomes an oooooceann" each time the sewage backs up in the dugout.

Now playing

Correction: Nobody was feeling George Michael's vibes more than this guy...

OK, Clay. You first.

"I mean, just look at me! I'm absurd - quite the spectacle."

I don't have a problem with houses exploding per se, but on live television? What am I supposed to tell my kids?

Big Deal. From the looks of things, Donald Sterling's been kissing a man on TV for weeks now.