
Cockiness has nothing to do with succeeding in the NFL - see Favre, Brett.

So the Browns spent $100K on a study to find the best QB but then ignored the results and instead listened to the advice of a homeless guy? He could have probably used that 100K.


He and Jamie Moyer played AA ball together.

And yet no one asked him how far he can punt a football.

The Malaysian Airlines-sponsored pool dunk is supposedly way better, but I can't find the video anywhere.

It's never good when the story involves you and Eric LeGrand and you come off as the spineless one.

FROM nba
WHERE owner='racist'
GROUP BY geffen,winfrey
HAVING SUM(championships) <= 0

Every proper yacht has a ball buoy.

But this does bring up another pressing issue: We need more teams named the Abraham Lincolns.

Yea...I believe you when you say you aren't just being contrarian...also I agree Corona is pretty terrible for a beer people make SUCH a big deal about....but.....

the Pacers also claim they've had a boycott in effect since the playoffs started.

Why are Pacers without better races?

The NBA's Player Sales List (Sterling, D.)

And with this, the real power to change arrives. Horrible racist? Fine. Horrible Racist that may cost us money? That is not okay.