
Is it too early to bring in Anti-Monitor? I mean, that would fix everything and then we could just pick up with the universe that best suits the characters that we love.

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I mean, they didn’t really get together by the most honest means.

Here is the information that you’re looking for from the arrest: “Eighteen-year-old Kevin Norton and 27-year-old James Stumbo, both of Iowa, were arrested and charged with Unlawful Possession of a Firearm, Unlawful Possession of Ammunition, and other firearm related charges.”

The article states “each pled guilty to

One of the reasons that I loved the first movie was because of that exact reason. New York was the biggest character in the film. I was bummed to hear that they did a lot of their principle shooting in Boston.

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I was pleasantly surprised about how well it played out. From what Martin has said they send a black and white copy of the film to the composer.

Check out the mock trailer below. I actually think the CGI blends better.

Gotta give love to Arleen Sorkin and Tara Strong for their performances of Harley Quinn!

I was about to make this comment. The fact that The Editor isn’t represented here is a crime against humanity!

I’m guessing a number of those people experience this pain because those parts of their body are weak because they don’t use them regularly.

Sure. Why not.

Sadie Doyle would watch that and so would I!

I didn’t know that they had ever stopped making these?

Please, for the sanity of mankind, tell me that you don’t fully believe this to be the origin of ‘butthurt’? A spanked child feels unjustly hurt in the butt area and will probably stand indignant to the attitude that they’ve been shown.

You could also go back to a quote complaining about H.R. Geiger complaining.


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I liked some of the ideas in this trailer but for the most part the trailer itself was super distracting. On a positive note, it does look like most of the performers are diving into the deep end with their roles. Now I just have to wait to see if the story pans out as something watchable.

Thanks for the reference. I

Totally. I don’t think the marketing buffs at DC saw anything past “Hey! Could we put her in the first world ward. I mean it’s the first Wonder Woman movie aaand... it was WWI!”

Heartbreak confirmed.

I would really love to see them pull together the 2010 cast. I know the show deviates from the books but Stephen Mangan and crew truly captured the essence of the characters.

Four episodes simply wasn’t enough. I wanted to see Dirk cross paths with Jane again.

The concept sounds a lot like Marvel’s Damage Control.

I think it would be safe to assume that the apocolypse was brought on because Archer figured out the password to the Annihilatrix!

Welcome to you’re “Doom!”

GoG and Origin not a good fit for you? There are other options out there. Steam just happens to be the leader in the field currently.