
The only exclusives I can think of on Steam are the games developed by Valve. Are there other games that you're thinking of that I'm missing?

...and what DC/WB can’t seem to fathom.

Kenobi took Luke to Tattoine and placed them both in exile. He separated himself from Luke there but kept an eye on him to ensure that he was protected from not only Tusken raiders but the Empire as well.

Yoda went into exile because he was the one who made the arrangements for the placement of Vader’s twins. Even if

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Same. Grew up in a suburb of Kansas City and remember there being one in a Spencer’s novelty store(essentially a place that always had costumes and masks on display). I would dump as many quarters as my mom would give me into Dragon’s Lair until she caught on.

The game was designed to be a quarter eater, but there

Classic story is classic.

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To be fair, even the studio that produces TT knows that it’s bad. I’m honestly not sure how it gets pushed as hard as it does.

Forget pants. If I was bulletproof and most of the planet couldn’t really threaten me in any meaningful way I would walk around pantless(or as close as possible) all over the place. As a matter of fact, if you don’t announce that you’re coming over to my house the first thing you’re going to hear before I answer the

This bird has a heavily animated accent.

It was difficult and it was well documented. I have hope that with five years of additional experience under their belt that Disney/Marvel animators should be able to pull together something respectable. I’ll hold out until I see a trailer before I start sharpening pitchforks.

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I would call her a postmodernist Kyary. All the way down to the sugar sweet bubblegum pop with super dark undertones.

I’m going to go with white. Like in the comics.

To be fair, “Make America Good Enough Again” never tests well with the focus groups.

People here are saying that she has a “Japanese brain” and a robot body. For the sake of a joke the picture above is literally a Japanese brain in a robot body that looks like Scar Jo.

On a personal level, to say that someone has a “Japanese brain” seems a bit short sighted. I’m assuming that you’re saying that

No room for a couple of dairy products gone bad?

The Amazon pilot carries less of the cartoon and more of the comic with it in spirit. To me the comics always came off as way darker humor than the cartoons ever did. Plus, the creator of the comics(Ben Edlund) is the writer for the new show. I didn’t know how I felt about it right away either but “Oh Man” did I ever

I’m hoping that this is just a horribly cut trailer and that the show has better pacing. All of the jokes in this fell hard and flat.

You misspelled Battlefield Earth