
I believe you have your finger pointed the wrong direction. Considering that Maddox posted this video at the beginning of the month and io9 is giving their point by point rebuttal.

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This sweet creature has always brought me joy. Even though he didn't last long.

"Hello, Ground!"

I have a slightly different translation:

"I want to challenge!

In the same vein, Jack Nicholson as The Joker?! People couldn't picture it.

I remember being hesitant about him because of his height alone, but he won the majority of people over simply with how genuinely excited he was about landing the roll.

Do origin stories get better than The Saint of Killers origin?

Holy crap! That would be criminal if they cut out David. Once again, Nolan North breathing life into one of the greatest characters in videogames.

I hope they don't cut Bill out of the 'The Last of Us'. Such a great character.

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One of my favorite squirm moments! I love that game.

#DIRTYLAUNDRY is the Punisher movie that we all deserved but that studios were too afraid to make.

Ice Pirates! Ron Perlman. Angelica Huston.

When did Capoeira become Tricking?

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Have we all forgotten Roger Corman's legendary Fantastic Four movie?

I wouldn't exactly pick Anne Rice as a 'go to' in defending Twilight. She was the Stephenie Meyer of her time.

You missed these quality reads.