
You mean someone needs to finish it.

I know it's going back forever but how about Captain Sternn from Heavy Metal.

Since AoA has already been mentioned.

The creator pronounces DayZ = Day "Zed".
I've always pronounced it the American way = Day "Zee".

Here are my humble submissions.

I'm not sure why you hated it but I couldn't stand it because it only shared the name with the games. Final Fantasy games in general are know for their strong stories and this movie fell flat on its face in the interesting story department. Which makes this film a very pretty snore-fest.

I believe it's still

Now playing

I don't seen nuzzling. I don't see any kissing besides a possible accidental graze. I truly, and I'm not just being a jerk, don't understand why this story has gone so crazy. It just seems to me that the giraffe is continuing to look for food. He had his snout in the other curators pocket, they had licked the railing

I'll have to go with

This drives me nuts!

I would definitely need a source on that. Just from existing in the working world for as long as I have I couldn't see how they would be able to leverage her as a director without having the sets at least storyboarded. She would have definitely been part of the storyboarding process.

I'll have to stick with my

I can't watch Iron Giant with people around. Guaranteed to make me cry.

That final scene.

Now playing

So I guess her being Game Director during the time of Uncharted's creation holds no bearing on the fact that she probably asked for those set pieces to be created? Just sayin'.

Bonus video! Godspeed, Amy!

I really enjoyed this movie and thought that most of the fault of the film sat with the marketing teams horrible approach to the film.

Let's not forget the ultimate...

This film never got the attention it deserved.

Neither did this:

Well... It's a good thing we got that cleared up. I'll just be over here loving it on accident.

Another show that ended with a brutal cliffhanger

You mean another one? ;-)