
Sometimes the majority is just plain wrong. In this case, it wasn’t even a majority. If you think it is unreasonable to frequently express disrespect for our pussy grabbing, racist, wanna be fascist pig of a president elect, who’s allied himself with those who have publicly declared they want to destroy the republic

I highly doubt 47% of Jalopnik’s reader base voted for Trump.

I’ll see your LA and raise you a Tampa Bay. 

Not sure about you, but my healthcare was already going up 10, 15, 20% every year before Obamacare was a twinkle in someone’s eye. Getting rid of Obamacare is going to do absolutely jack squat to stop the rise in healthcare costs.

Totally. Dropped mine in a box today. Voting took 2 minutes. my guess is the reason other states don’t do it is because more people would vote.

I’m confused. Why does someone have to drive at all? I filled out my ballot, put it back in my mailbox, raised the flag. Done.

Exactly. Cars shouldn’t be safer, they should be the other way around. No airbags, no stability control. If you don’t know how to drive and wear a seat belt then that’s just your fault.

I hate when you click on the little magnifying glass/plus sign, and the image is the same size. :(

The difference is that the Research Triangle was largely the Silicon Valley before the Silicon Valley was the Silicon Valley.

Goddamn truck done broked

Excess anything masturbation and porn can have a negative effect on your overall well being.

Yeah, let’s hope we have reached peak progress.

I want to tell her to calm down but then I think about the seething existential rage I experience at people that walk three wide in hallways and amble, or left lane hogs, or people that take too long to use the sugar/cream station at Starbucks, or people that forgot the form at the Post Office, or try and get on the

Nope. He was at BMW and Ford of Europe during the malaise era and had a hand in the launch of the 3-Series, Fiesta XR2, Escort XR3, RS200, etc. He came to Ford US in 1985 after the Malaise Era ended and engineered the rebirth of Ford with the Taurus and Explorer launches.

Yeah I agree with you on the posing, and I see it all the time too, but so what? Why let complete strangers annoy you? I don’t get why some people care so much about what other people do. Who cares what they spend their money on?

I know Jesus too. He drives an older Nissan pick-up truck, filled with lawnmowers, hedge clippers, and weedwhackers. Jesus mows and manicures my mum’s lawn once a month. Muchas gracias, Jesus.

The IMS bearing is the only trouble spot on an incredibly reliable car and car platform.

oh great, we’re rewarding truth and logic instead of sass now?

“And now we’re proud to introduce to you, the all new 2022 Honda Civic Type R.”

I’m a Chicago-born, union raised, Portland-dwelling, athiest, liberal. I fly the flag from time to time because it’s my fucking flag too.