
So much meh, so little indifference.

So this is how we keep the Unnamed author away for another year?

As one might expect, they don't hate each other. Just grew apart.

Ma Bensch or gtfo.

Tim Burton directing Dumbo. So Johnny Depp as Dumbo and Helena Bonham-Carter as his mom.

Clutch. Not even close. Coulda been Type O Negative, but well…


I was baptized catholic (just in case, make gramma happy), and there it ends. Yet I always feel the push toward fish this time of year. I don't know why. Meh, tasty food is tasty. Let's move on.

I demand they make this theme from here on out. It's takes about as long as the current one!

Maze is an outcast on both sides. She chose to leave Hell with Lucifer, so she's demona non grata there. Lucifer could walk down, but that would require many special effects which fox ain't gonna pay for.

Ith ok, Luthifer ith still my favorite network thow.
~M. Tyson
/runs away

Am I the only one who thought the writers lifted parts from Luther episodes?

Motorhead. COME AT ME.

I'm confused. B+ grade, but your review reads like a C-. A quick Google search of reveals you clearly do understand the difference.
Seriously though…do you research women be shopping punchlines to discover if in fact women be shopping? And then do you retract the laugh/smile?

From a post by Alton Brown on FB, it looks like he might be the chairman.

Agreed on all fronts. Age shouldn't matter. I'm not about to get in the pit, but the ideas and respect don't mean I can't relate.

Starfuckers was more about Manson. Then they made up in time for the video.

So wait…I should hate because it's TSO, but then you admit Mr. Van Halen is better, whom you also hate. And he's never done a Christmas thing.
Congrats A/V club, you're a hipster centipede. Before it was a thing.

Will Del Toro ever have ANYTHING made or released? Everyone has things that never see the light of day, but he seems to have more than his share. Can't Bay take some of the load off?

I think that's a large part of it. All the target advertising doesn't help. "Hey 25-40 Male, based on what we think you are, you WILL LIKE THIS. CONTENTOTRON 5000 DEMANDS YOUR FEALTY!"