
No offense to him, but I feel like I'm always being told I HAVE to love/worship everything he does. To the point where I find myself kind of avoiding him. Just me?

Did you know she has a book? Read that somewhere. People probably didn't know that.
…Groucho in the Stooges…the queen of what now?

Way too good to be left out. It's nitpicking if you say "Well it's called Hey Pete." Keeps the spirit of the song much better than many listed above.

Where's Cera and Eisenberg?

I'll consider his opinion when he apologizes for Sphere.

I'll get you five to ten in Leavenworth.

Beat Bobby Flay isn't going to be what I'm hoping is it? Well I still have hope for Fry Guy Fieri.

New record, tour with Clutch and Deftones (deftones do have a debt to pay). Otherwise gtfo.

Hum. It'll never happen.

Terry Pratchett was Terry Pratchett. He doesn't need or deserve being compared.

Jebus, coming up milhouse, liberry. All good. However, "WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO GET TO THE FIREWORKS FACTORY?!?!" remains my go-to. So useful in life. Movies (Prometheus), meetings, lectures, it never fails when we just want the payoff.

So obsession with an actress is bad. Uma should praise jebus Quentin thinks otherwise.