
Sadly, I can top this…

I’ve been calling NBC Sports for weeks. They kept showing Hurricanes instead of the goddamn Hartford Whalers games.

*This* is the sort of interruption to be mad about.

That sound reasonable, and then I remember the Model S came out 7 years ago and to this day, nobody has even come close to it in the performance / range division, they have not even ANNOUNCED a model that could compete with it on paper.

I wonder if that was the strategy for a few of the bigs and it backfired. They expected Tesla to go bankrupt sooner and they were going to buy it and have infrastructure and r&d 10 years ahead than if they started on their own.

Elon said the goal of Tesla wasn’t to run a successful car company but to better the world by jumpstarting the EV industry.

These Goddamn millennial amateurs. It’s been done years ago already with visual instructions but do they want to do the fucking research? Noooooo

Just hire a hooker and have her role play it. It will probably not even be in the top 25 of the weird requests she ever got.

I think Netflix became popular because you could get your DVD’s by mail instead of going to the store... Your history skipped an entire generation.

NNetflix became hugely popular and made lots of money because it was relatively cheap and had oodles of content. Then everyone else saw how much money they were making and wanted to get in on it.

I know it sounds like a cheap shot coming from a lefty, but if you look at issue-specific polling most of America supports left-leaning policies! It’s just a fact. And as Ben Shapiro once said, facts don’t care about your feelings.

I mean, I wrote roughly 1,100 words explaining why I thought it was a good point. You can read those words here if you’re interested.

“Humans are the problem, and the cats are just living in the world that humans created for them.”

George is getting upset

“Hi, I’m Duplex”

Maybe, maybe not - if I’m a small business and I hear “Hi I’m Duplex”, I’m a happy camper - the call is likely already vetted for a transaction (appointment, order) or interest in my product. It would be like answering an email request for service. The only reason I’d hang up is if a) there was reasonable doubt the

I can’t tell if you’re being serious or making fun of deniers.

According to today’s planetary horoscope the answer is yes.

“To Serve Man”

“Yub nub” closest possible translation is “tonight we dine on manflesh.” True story.