
You kids and yuor video games. When I was your age, No Man’s Sky was called Zaxxon!

“while we found language that was clearly hurtful, the videos as posted don’t violate our policies”

They don’t actually want to debate. It’s all an attention-grabbing ruse that also helps rouse their braindead followers. I like this summary of it:

It’s a rhetorical trick that isn’t nearly as smart as they think it is. Redefining screaming at and mocking you” as “debate,” just like redefining “insisting that my predetermined conclusion is true and treating all evidence to the contrary in a bad faith manner” as “destroying someone with LOGIC.”

Because even if she does lose her job, it’s almost guaranteed that she’ll find a new job before next fall.

Totally disagree with you...consider the facts. 1.25 million people a year die in auto accidents(driven by humans!) 20-50 million are injured, maimed, or become disabled. Now how man people have died due to autonomous cars - where we know that with some certainty the autonomous car was at fault? 2 <<< see that

Its another hit piece supported by the parent companyGreat Hill Partners” just like Jalopnik runs. They specialize in oil exploration software, dummy.

IF that is the topic that is worth reporting and discussing, then why is there no discussion in the article on what governments, or even industry groups (Tesla isn’t the only one with semi-autonomous technology) are doing to regulate the semi-autonomous driving technology, including system testing, data sharing, etc?

What I said is that it lacks insight. It appears to just be a piece where they try to back link to a bunch of their stories and external websites for the search ranking.

Ah, the argument you make when you run out of arguments...if you don’t agree with me, you must be a fanboy. 

Two you tube clips, and a tweet.

He’s talking about the lane change feature, not the AP in general. 

How many traffic accidents/fatalities are there on any given day from normal cars, and you think you’re making any sort of point by citing two videos?!?

Exactly.  I would gladly take Tesla autopilot over a 17 year old with a smart phone, any day.  

It IS equipped with Full Self-Driving Hardware. That means that every Tesla sold has all of the 360 degree cameras and radar equipment installed— and as the software updates come, the system will get better and better, without the owner having to buy any new equipment. The problem is that everyone has been confusing

No, they said the automatic lane change wasn’t good, and that merging onto a highway, on some situations, wasn’t as good as a human. 

Do any car companies publicly share crash and safety information?

The difference between the edge case flaws with Autopilot and the added security of the system when in place in normal driving conditions for anyone who has used the system is so big that when I read these fulminating articles I just shake my head. I am not going to argue about the wording that is used or the badging

Of course emerging technology isn’t perfect or completely trustworthy. This isn’t news. But I drive 2 hours or more each day for work and do you think I’m keeping an eye out for Tesla’s, or do you think I’m keeping an eye out for the assholes weaving in and out of lanes in heavy traffic who think that they're invulnera

By no means is this new news. Search it up happened awhile ago. And the women involved was on her phone. Tesla never stated that autopilot is a fully functional piece on its own without a human intervention. Infact it constantly bombs you with alarms to pay attention. Its a sophisticated drivers assist in any case.