
“Cooperate with” means you will do what is required in your contract and follow all established procedures, not forfeit your personal property to your employer at submit to all of their ludicrous demands at their whim. If the CBA is going to be interpreted your way, where the players can expect absolutely zero right

If my employer suspends me because I wouldn’t let them look at my personal cell phone, you can bet I’m taking them to court.

4 games for destroying your cell phone so that the NFL has no evidence, 2 games for destroying your wife and the NFL has video evidence.

You are correct. Giving my tax money to a billionaire to build 50% of his private building is “better” than giving my tax money to build 100% of his private building. But you know what would be even better than that? Not giving any public money, since no evidence actually exists that publicly funded stadium have ever

Paying for a college education>>>paying to see the Milwaukee Bucks.

And no one threw piss on Cavendish in 2011 when he won the green jersey. And no one threw piss on any other British rider this year. It’s not a British thing; it’s a yellow jersey in 2015 thing.

Like it or not, no one gives a shit about someone cheating to win fourth place.

No, they have an issue with riders who, by all appearances, are currently doping.

Now that this is settled, the NCAA could make a HUGE PR step forward by allowing players to profit from the game. Force EA to write the athletes checks in order to bring back NCAA Football. Everyone wins, and the NCAA can still make a billions off of free (for them) labor.

Just this past March, I went for an evening walk down to the Mekong river in Vientiane, Laos with a fellow traveller. We sat beside the river and watched the fishermen throw cast their nets and pull them back in under the moonlight. It was beautiful. Until I hear something behind me. It’s a man, and he has a gun. A

This is a great idea, but does NASA have the capability to launch a sex boat into orbit?

Kevin Orie

“If the team moves, the state loses out on 12 millionaires who work 41 nights per year!” applies to every single stadium financing deal where the team threatens to move. Study after study after study shows that funding stadiums is a loss leader. Please tell my fellow cancer researchers who whose positions were

They are collecting that income tax from the people of the state of Wisconsin.

If any bank in the world would finance this, why aren’t they getting the loan from a bank? I look forward to your logical response.

I never said that eliminating middle class jobs of medical researchers “caused” the Bucks stadium to be built. I’m just saying that if you’d rather give $250 million to a for-profit sports team than non-profit medical research, you have some seriously fucked up priorities.

You might want to grab a calculator, since you will need to be able to count beyond 4:

If the only thing keeping you in a city is a crappy basketball team, you really need to make some changes in your life.