
And did it all in the most soulless, joyless, life-sucking way possible.

Plus, you know, class.

Walk away. Seriously. I wrote off the NFL after the Greg Hardy mess this year. I don’t miss it and feel better about my Sundays.

Are my eyes deceiving me, or is Rivers’s eye black running in that Vine? Man, feeling sympathy for Phillip Rivers is a new one for me.

Welp, soccer finally has the same appeal as football.

That Vine looks like “Radio 2: The Basketball Years.”

That’s a great point. I wouldn’t wish that agony on Woodson, but he’d be great at it.

Damn it, I have no snark here. Nothing. Nada. Guy’s never done anything. Godspeed, my man.


Can they check the studio to make sure there wasn't a gas leak? Those guys don't sound conscious.

My apologies. Bugles, mayhaps?

Axe and Cheetos too.

“There’s no way she’d be an object of heated romantic interest in the real world.” That is so ridiculous on so many levels. I mean, of course Amy is attractive for all the qualities he listed plus her physical beauty. But on another level, there are literally millions of women and men who have “heated romantic

In the parlance of 1995, “you’re damn skippy!”

Look, I’m not trying to be all up in other people’s business. But they totally fucked after this.

She seems delightful.

One of these things, is not like the others.

It’s one thing to get Lebron plowing into you at high speed. But she got Lebron’s ass at full throttle. Godspeed.

Samuelson wanted to fight her afterwards.