
This is so sad it makes me think fondly of the days when the big trend on Deadspin was Bills table crashers.


+Jude Law

“Here’s something nice.”

Well, what’s so sketchy about saying your star player is ok? I imagine the entire NE region was holding it’s breath. Sometimes a press release is just a press release.

I detest this man, but I can kind of see why he’s grumpy about this particular item. I mean, he’s had to eat so much crap about not revealing injuries and keeping secrets from the media. And now he’s having to answer questions when he does just the opposite. It has to be a bit annoying. Of course his attitude is

God damn that’s funny.

“American Horror Story: Kardashians.”

If Mike Pettine does hate Manziel with every fiber of his being, the best thing he could do is play him.

The common thread of all these games? None of them had much impact on the actual NFL seasons that were occurring around them. Barely a meaningful game in the bunch, including last night. Hell, you could argue the Ravens screwed themselves by winning.

The audio in that last one sounds like someone taking a rape shower.

The Sixers could attend a 12-man bukkake and still not come on top.

That’s a shit ton of emojis for a septuagenarian.

Is that the rare “your daddy” joke? 12-year-old me appreciates the variety.

Oh come now. At no point did this ever look like an appealing game. This was a turd since inception.

Not pictured: The 1.6 million times he dogged it. I mean, this guy took whole YEARS off. Who knows how good he would have been if he had a gym rat personality.

This is some hard core trolling. Well done.

Thank goodness Kobe being Kobe can distract from those embarrassing “Hickory” uniforms the Pacers insist on wearing. An homage to an 80s movie about a lily white 50s high school team really speaks to the modern NBA fan.

What did the heckler say to provoke him? I can’t hear it.

Well done!